Chapter : 28 {Drunk}

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Y/n's POV :

The dinner was fun, except Nami and the others had to sit far because of some royal protocol

Luffy was with me and Ace of course

"I wish you both a happy married life" I told the couple as they thanked me from across the dining table

Then Ace began his speech and soon it ended too

Everyone of us cheered and we began eating

"As you both are here why not bless the couple?!" Asked the court

I side eyed him, isn't he going too far

I know what he is trying to do, he wants to brag his daughter was the first ro receive blessing from the new King and Queen

Plus I am uncomfortable, it seems like something elder couples should do

... But how do I said no to this?

"I guess as we ourselves are not married yet, it will just bring in bad luck, on the other hand, they should be the ones to bless us, after all, this whole tradition is made so that the older couple can give the newer couple some part of their marriage happiness" Explained Ace as he began eating again

Wow, Ace really became a good king

He knows how to make everyone shut and reject offers politely

"Y/n, let's sneak out after dinner" Luffy whispered to me as I nodded yes

After all I didn't gave them enough attention this time

"Btw why are you not drinking?? Let's make as many memories as we can!!" Said the court as he poured some Champagne for me

"O-oh I don't normally drink so--" As I wanted to reject Ace barged into the convo

"I mean you should be able to handle one or two glass right?" He smirked

I don't like his tone

Now I am gonna show him!!!


"y/n are you okay?" Asked Luffu

"Huh? Yeah~~~ give me moree" I said as the court poured in more

"I think the princess is drunk" Said Zoro as he walked over to Luffy

"Pour in moreee~~~" This time I shouted as everyone looked our way

Yeah it may turn out to be worst if this continues

"Seems like she can't handle her drink, we should take her to the palace before she says something which may cause trouble" Advised Zoro as Ace agreed

"We should be going now" He said as everyone got up the dining table

Zoro hold onto Y/n who was having problems standing up as she was half unconscious by now

Ace gave him a side eye as he took Y/n in his arms from Zoro

After saying bye to everyone it was time to get into the carriage however

Y/n was too unaware of her surrounding to even notice there was a carriage

She slowly opened her eyes as she saw Luffy and jumped on him from Ace's arms

"Lulu~~ my babyyyyy" She said as she kept hugging him

For the first time Zoro thought he saw a little blush on Luffy however he just brushed it off

"Lufffyy I am sowwyy that idiot Ace didn't let me dancee with youuuu" Cried Y/n

"It's not a problem!" Grinned Luffy

"Ace seems like Y/n wants to go with me so I should take her in my carriage--" Before Luffy could finish his line Ace hold Y/n and pulled her towards the carriage

"Bye then Luffy your Brother and sister in law will be home soon ♥" Said Ace with a fake grin as he closed the carriage's door

"WAIT--" Luffy was just there now, planning how he will beat Ace up soon

Zoro took him to his carriage as they got ready to leave

Leaving the Court confused about what's happening in this royal family

*At the Carriage*

Y/n was now on Ace's lap because she was half sleeping

Suddenly she opened her eyes as she stood up

"Leave me!" She exclaimed as she took her seat face to face with Ace

Ace just looked at her

"You sure you won't fall?" He asked

"Yeah yeahhh won't fall won't die~ even if I did, go marry another" Pouted Y/n

"Oh? You want me to marry another?"

"I mean you already have a lover decided right?" Asked Y/n

"Nope, I only have my eyes set on you" He replied

Y/n rested her chin on her hand, looking directly towards Ace

"When I see your face" Said Y/n

"Yeah? Want to kiss me?"

"Nope, I feel like slapping the shit out of you!"

"If that will make your anger towards me lessen, then feel free to do so" Said Ace as he gave his face closer to Y/n

She is so weak, her slap wouldn't even hurt a fly--

All of a sudden Ace felt a fist land on his cheek as his face dropped towards the floor

"WHAT THE FUCK???" Asked Ace

"Teheehehehe I punished the bastard!" Y/n laughed till her belly hurt

"You said you will only slap me! Why did you punched me??" He asked angry

"Grap san said fist of love are the best way to punish you guys tehe" Said Y/n satisfied

Ace's anger seemed to had calm once he saw Y/n laughing and grinning so much

"You seem happy"

"Of course! I beat up the monster!"

"Monster? I am one?" Giggled Ace looking at Y/n with his melted eyes

"Yep! An scary one!"


"Because you do anything you want! Don't even listen to anyoneeee!" Pouted Y/n yet again

"Well this monster feels like kissing you"

"Well we can at our wedding day! Or else how are we supposed to get married?" Laughed Y/n

"Hmm, what if I tell you I feel like kissing you RIGHT NOW?"  He asked as Y/n stopped giggling and just looked at him as he came closer

He held Y/n's neck with one hand and supported his weight with anothet hand beside's Y/n's seat

Y/n faced away as he used his hand to make her looks towards him again

Y/n gave in as she closed her eyes

And Finally their lips met, sharing one passionate Kiss Y/n has only dreamt about till now

*Chapter Ends!! I am feeling shy, Byee :3!!!*

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