❁Chapter 16❁

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*A month later*

The past month had to be the most amazing month of Florian's life.

Nothing out of the way occured to trample their newly formed happiness.

He got coronated, although some remained owl-faced, still most of the members welcomed him with open arms.

Since he doesn't have any skill or experience, Feather got him admitted in an institution, where studying and werewolf-life guide are taught side by side.

Florian was so excited on his first day, he couldn't stop bouncing on his toes. He'd never went to school or any institution to acquire knowledge, so it's a huge thing for him.

Feather dropped him off and couldn't suppress her smile seeing her mate to excited and passionate about something.

It only encouraged her to be determined that she'd do anything to make her Omega happy for the rest of their lives.

It is a warm sunny day, and the pair strolls around the human park.

Another stuff Florian enjoys a lot is visiting human sides more and more. Feather always accompanies him on those visits, she doesn't trust humans.

"What do you want to eat? I'll get something from there." Florian asks, pointing to the vendor machine at the end of the park.

Feather shakes her head. "I'll be here. You can get what you want."

Florian nods and scurries away while the Alpha makes herself comfortable on a bench, her glittery eyes roaming around the scenery before her.

Many kids are playing around, squealing and screaming for no reason. Their parents trying to control them but they are full of energy and wouln't come in grasp.

Her mind slowly drifts to her childhood, though Juliene and her barely got any. Their childhood was snatched away from them and they were forced to adapt adulthood at an early stage.

She often assures herself that it doesn't matter, she can't miss something she hasn't ever experienced.

Yet she feels a dull ache. Wandering about a time where Juliene and her would've played with toys and dolls, not with guns or knives.

A dry chuckle escapes her at the thought.

"What's so funny?" Florian asks curiously, sitting down next to her with a corn dog stick and a cotton candy stick.

"Are you gonna have both of them?" She laughs.

Pouting the boy grins at her. "Yes. And you won't even get a bite." He sticks his tongue out and Feather laughs a little loudly.

"Fine, you big baby." She playfully ruffles his hair.

"Answer my question now." He demands, starting on his cotton candy as it'd disappear if not eaten fast.

Sighing, the Alpha looks around with a sad yet content smile. "I was thinking about our childhood. How would it be if my parents were alive and we didn't have to grow up faster than normal.

Would I be less of a dark hearted soul then?"

Florian'a face contorts in an adorable frown, as if he's calculating his answer in his head. He scoots a bit closer and looks up at her with a stern gaze.

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