❁Chapter 22❁

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Everything happens in the blink of an eye. No one even has the slightest grasp of what's happening, it's almost like the lightning flashes before a loud rumble echoes, earth shaking by its boom.

Janson's sword was raised at highest and as it came down at the bleeding Alpha, panting heavily with blood pouring out of her mouth, everything felt like a slowmotion to a certain Omega.

It was like his feet had a sense of their own and they took him right in the middle of the rink as the blow came. Tearing at his chest, splitting the skin and flesh as blood squirted out, painting the sword red.

A blood curdling scream was heard.

It was Feather's.

She catches her mate's collapsed body right as he falls backwards, and when their eyes meet, she can see a ghost of a smile lingers on the corner of his lips.

"What did you do?!! You fucking- what have you done?! Florian! What did you do!" She rambles, her tone laced with the agony burning her chest.

Florian heaves and coughs out blood, still smiling. He raises his small, coated in blood, palm and rests it against Feather's cheek.

"I-I t-t-told yo-you." He sputters, coughing some more as Feather cradles him closer, constant tears streaming down her face. "I'd- I'd d-do- any- anything for you. I l-love you m-more - than l-life."

Feather shakes her head vigorously and holds him closer.

"Shut the fuck up! Juliene!" She screams.

Juliene doesn't need to be told as she had already ran off to get the medics after seeing the Omega receving the blow on behalf of his mate.

Florian's wheezes sound raspier as the world around him starts to turn bleak, his vision blackening the more the burn travels along his veins, he shivers.

"H-hold on a little longer, b-baby." Feather stammers, her heart feels like it's being tearing apart again and again till it starts to hurt her chest.

"Than- thank you f-for sa-saving me." He raggedly utters, gripping Feather's hand, that's around his torso, tightly. "Thank y-you fo-for being m-my m-m- mate."

"Shut up!" Feather screams again, shaking her head like a maniac, choking over her breath as her death-like grip holds around Florian as if he'd disappear if it loosened even in the slightest.

Everyone has already came closer, witnessing the mockery of a cruel fate as the lovers hold onto their mate bond in a desperate attempt to revive it.

Feather notices Juliene running towards to them with the medics and a stretcher to carry Florian.

Feather's Omega shivers as cold nips at his skin and his eyes start to close.

"Don't you fucking dare!" Feather growls, shaking him harshly, she can feel the bond numbing, as if the thread's thinning till it'd vanish. "Don't you fucking close your eyes! You asshole! Don't you dare leave me!"

With last of his strength left in him, Florian pulls himself up and cups her cheek one more time, connecting their lips for one last kiss.

Feather breaks down in sobs when she tastes the metalic blood from his mouth, returning it with just as much love, to make sure Florian feels just how much he means to her. Just how much she loves him.

The kiss is soft and sweet, and it feels like everything at the same time, every - possible - thing beautiful.

It feels like first love and the giddiness of it, it coats with the smell of rain after a hot, summer day, it reminds them of the first time their eyes met and their wolves connected, it blossoms the bud of their love into a flower that beautifies the days of spring.

Their kiss feels like a seal. A seal to mark something to an end. It feels like it's the last time they'd have a savor of the touch of their mate's lips.

It feels like everything and nothing.

Florian's eyes fall close, his hand falls on his side and he goes limp, in the arms of the person he'd die for, again and again and again, in a heartbeat.

No matter how many chances he were given, Florian would still take the blow, if his mate, his Alpha is on the receiving end.

Feather's screams are the only sound bouncing against the silence of the atmosphere after that;

Florian gets taken from her arms and onto the stretcher as the medics immediately start on their work, doing their everything to revive their Aleph.

Amidst all of this, taking advantage of the foggy eyes filled with tears, and amidst the chaos of a mate losing their better half, Janson decides to take upon the chance and grips his sword one more time.

Feather's ears burn with steam coming out of them as the scenario of Florian taking the hit for her plays over and over in her head and she hastily turns around, finding her own sword and grabbing it off the ground.

She doesn't waver, nor wait a second, as she gets on her feet and growls louder than anyone had ever heard, the sound echoes around like one of a ferocious beast's.

Her ruby eyes flash in the name of vengeance as she springs right at her opponent and pushes the blade right through his heart.

Wave of gasps fill around the arena, especially the ones sided with Janson, fear evident on their paling faces.

Gripping his shoulder with the other hand, Feather pushes further and twists the sword, savoring each expression displaying over Janson's shocked face as life slowly starts to drift away from it.

"Who's the Alpha Queen?" She seethes, pulling out the sword and Janson cries out in pain as blood oozes out.

He falls on his knees, and his glazed over eyes stare at Feather with unhingable emotions.

"Say it!" She screams, her canines sharpening as she spits.

"Y-you." He chokes out blood.

The grip on his shoulder tightens, nails digging deep in the flesh as she drags the blade deeper in him.

"Say my name!!"

All the audiences crash on their knees from the force of the released pheromones of their Alpha, heads bowed and hearts beating rapidly in fear, concern, worry, but mostly respect.

Janson's body trembles and tears run down the sides of his face, eyes losing their light as he looks at the ferocious face snarling before him. His head tilts to the side in submission.

"A-Alpha Ar- Arya."

Feather's smirk sends shiver down each wolf's spine present there.

She pulls out her sword and releases Janson, who doubles over, holding onto his chest as blood trails down.

Just as he thinks he's free now, and starts breathing fast;

Feather grabs the sword, the one coated with the wolf's bane, off the ground since Janson had let go of it after getting stabbed.

With only darkness soaking up her chest, she shoves it right through Janson's heart, the tip piercing through his flesh and tearing out from his back.

Janson's hollow cry of pain hammers the eardrums of everyone there as his body collapses on the ground, life leaving his eyes.

"All hail the Alpha Queen!"


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