❁Chapter 28❁

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It is a beautiful Full Moon night.


Reuniting with your long lost, dead, partner on the night of Full Moon. As if the Goddess herself wants to shower her blessings on the pair, also express her glee on the long awaited reunion.

Feather's movements halt as her back is to the bank and eyes at the dark forest ahead her.

For a second her heart stops, as the scent doubles and surrounds her, then it starts beating again, in a much faster, rapid pace.

She doesn't dare turn around. In fear of breaking whatever delusion she is living in. Her body trembles and the chillness of the night lake water climbs up her spine.

Soft splashing of the water can be heard as a warm sense of presence envelopes her soul, awakening her defeated wolf. Her whimpers slowly turn to low growls as it senses the presence approaching them.

It can't be.

Burns. All over. Fear engulfing her as she feels it'll all break if she even breaths a bit louder.


Like a flash of a lightning, Feather whips around and her whole being freezes.

There he is.

Her wolf scratches at her mind desperately, wanting to get closer to her mate. On the the other hand, she's frozen and unable to fathom the truth of the situation.

"F-Flo? Is that you?" She doesn't trust her voice as it sounds foreign to her own ears.

If not for her tears being dried long ago, and if not for her mind not working, Feather would've bawled her eyes out by now.

Florian's soft, plushy lips curve into a small smile as he nods, extending her arms out.

Now a little closer, Feather has a better view under the moonlight.

Florian looks as ethereal as he always does. A little thin and sunken cheeks, but other than that, he looks beautiful. Just like Feather has imprinted in her heart.

Dark tousled curls flopped atop his head, piercing grey stormy eyes staring at her as if they'd sweep her away off her feet any chance given. Luscious, kissable lips glisten as he licks over them.

And his brownish gorgeous skin. She still remembers how pale and malnourished Florian looked the first time she brought him home, but now, he's got a healthy color washed over his rich skin as it's literally begging to be marked by his Alpha's love bites.

Her breath falters.

Swimming through the calm lake water, the Omega tentatively approaches his Alpha, his heart thrumming louder than a freaking drum as his ears ring. Eyes begging to shed water of happiness but he holds them in.

Finally when he's close enough, their naked forms sparkle from water droplets sliding down their bodies and a soothing breeze blows around them, their eyes lock.

It's been so damn long since they held eye contact like this. It sends shivers of pleasure up their spines and before either could realize on how to react, they have latched onto each other like magnets as their mouths find a way to merge in a much needed, fierce kiss.

Hands grope and scratch the other closer than possible, just wanting to mould into one since it's been so freaking long till they have had a taste of the other's touch.

Electrifying sparks shoot up their arms as their naked forms collide, and their hearts drum rapidly, initially disoriented but soon fall into a steady, rhythmic pattern. In sync. Each of their heartbeat syncs as their lips stay glued in a devouring kiss.

Feather's hands gradually make their way down to her Omega's thighs till she gropes at those squishy cheeks, earning herself a sweet, delicious moan. Her heart fills with thousands of emotions as she takes in those sinful noises that her ears were desperate to listen to.


A breathy moan escapes Florian's already kiss-swollen lips when their lips briefly part as his Alpha's hands work their way down there till she lifts him up and Florian responds by twisting his legs around her waist, pressing his front against her and both of them gasp from the sensation.

"I've missed you so fucking much." Florian murmurs against her lips, causing the Alpha to go in shock.

It's probably the first time she'd heard his innocent little mate curse so boldly.

A smirk forms on her lips as she aligns herself to where they both need.

The need and desire for the other overpower any rational thought left in their minds as they feel their bodies immerse as one.

Gasps and soft whimpers could be heard around along with splashes of water as the mates revel in each other's arms after Goddess knows how long.

Feather's eyes land on the fading mark on Florian's neck and she has to bite the inside her cheek before flashbacks of lonely days can occupy her thoughts and ruin this magical blissful moment of reunion.

"Alpha." Florian gently cups her face with his palm, using his free arm to stay around her neck to keep himself in her arms, floating under water, and maintaining their adjoined bodies.

Their eyes lock and they feel their souls drowning in love all over again.

To Florian's eyes, he can see the Goddess herself in Feather.

The way her eyes resemble drops of coffee, a darker shade of lust brightening them and he shudders. Her tanned skin glowing like a freaking halo's sprouting from around her and those wavy, blonde locks soaked with water and sticking to both of their bodies;

It's unbearable just how much he'd missed her even though he was unconscious the whole time.

But the moment he woke up, the pain and cries of his wolf were right there. He felt all the emotions of the past month at once and it hit him like a truck.

He'd sobbed and gasped for breath due to severe chest pain for a whole hour before Juliene helped him calm down, and he was brought here by his mate's heavenly scent.

Now that he is back in his Alpha's arms, feeling her from deep within and every inch of their skin connected, he knows his heaven is right here.

"I love you, and I'm here now." He softly whispers, to scared to interrupt the moment. "I'm never leaving you again. It's all going to be okay."

He spoke the words he knows Feather needs to hear and finally, she lets the tears well up but she refuses to let them fall.

Instead, she buries her face in his neck and doesn't hesitate to dig her canines in the tender flesh, reclaiming what's hers.

Once again.



I hope I was able to justify their reunion and properly express how their hearts actually felt.

Thank you for all the reads and votes. Love you guys.🌟

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