A strange boy

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'File: 0014 3368 Y/N L/N (given a second chance)'

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'File: 0014 3368 Y/N L/N (given a second chance)'

The hero commission employee looks down at the file.

"By the picture in the file you wouldn't guess he killed both his parents." He says

"Presumably, since he was the only one near them at the day of death. But since the court has been put on a halt and he accepted the generous offering of the hero commission. He officially didn't do it. Now the story is that they dies in a accident." The female office worker tells him

"But why put a murderer in a hero school?" The man asks

"Other wise the boy is a clean slate. Never even was in a fight or anything. It's just this incident and since his parents were villains to begin with, the hero commission wants to make a story out of him. Something along the lines, 'survived a villain household and became a hero! You can do it too!' Or some shit like that." She explains

"But-" the man starts

"Shut it will ya? I don't like this either but the request comes from very high up. No stopping that." She sighes

The man stares back at the file hesitating for a moment, then he stamps it and puts it away to be send to the archive.


Y/N is lying outside on a park bench, it's the middle of the day he has his eyes closed, listening to everything around him. He was told to wait here, he had nothing, since it was unknown how much of the thing he could get from his parents wills, because it was unknown what was financed by stealing, it was made part of the arrangement that everything would be taken away from him and he will be gathered at the park and brought to a his new living space soon. He will be given a limited monthly allowance, to pay for everything apart from state affairs and the living conditions. Y/N was pretty alright with that part, but what he hated about all of this was, he wasn't even allowed a picture of his parents and it was obvious that the hero commission didn't even care about their deaths. A man coughs next to him. Y/N opens his eyes, a stern looking man with black hair and brown eyes, wearing a suit.

"Are you Y/N L/N?" He asks

"Depends... Who is asking?" Y/N sighes

"Kenji Iori, from the hero commission. I'm supposed to get you to your new home." Iori says

Y/N looks at him with a side eye for a moment looking him up and down. Then he suddenly jumps up from his bench with a wide smile.

"Well alright then Mister Iori! Let's get this rolling!" Y/N cheers

Iori stares at him for a moment then walks past him.

"Follow me, I'll drive us there." He says

"Well alrighty then!" Y/N exclaimes

On the way to the car multiple parents and children stare at Y/N, but he is used to that, the scares he has due to his quirk awaking when he was still a toddler always made others afraid.

(An Idle hero society) Bnha X Male Mahito Reader Where stories live. Discover now