Time for names

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Two days after the sports festival classes were to begin as normal. Still nothing new about Miss Yasuhiro, but Y/N didn't care to much about that, he couldn't really change anything about that. Before he leaves his apartment he scrolls through news pages on the Internet.

'UA's sports festival winner argues with All-Might!'

'UA's top student hates UA?'

'Is the next hero generation hateful?'

'The sports festival gets shamed by it's latest victor!'

And so on and so on. Y/N looks at the new with a smile. They can do what they want with what he said, he doesn't care about that. But watching crash on each other and trying to explain what the main problem is, is just too funny to watch. Leaving his apartment Y/N receives a message on his phone. It's from Iori.

'Hey Kiddo, so about the hero commission. Your words literally sparked a whole discussion over here. To which extent hero marketing is morally justifiable... But in the end the hero commission is a profit oriented facility. So nothing is really going to change about that. And in terms of you... they couldn't really decide on anything. They told me to give you a formal warning, to not make more problems for the commission.'

'Alright. Heading to school now.'

Y/N answers then puts his phone back. And as he arrives at the entrance he is met by a bunch of reporters. Same old, probably another bunch hoping for All-Might. Or that was what Y/N thought until one of them spots him and shouts.

"There he is!" And all of the reporters turn to him

In seconds Y/N is surrounded by cameras and microphones.

"What was that about at the sports festival?"

"How did it feel, to defeat the number one hero in an argument?"

"Why did you participate, if you hated it so much?"

And many more questions, most of them being the suggestive type. Already trying to put words into Y/N's mouth.

"Could it be that you read 'Heros - Marketing with lifes of stars and civilians' by Itahi Tanemi?" A female reporter asks

Y/N is a bit surprised by that question.

"Eh... Yeah." He answers

"Fascinating! How does someone who reads hero society critical books, end up in the hero course of the most renowned hero school of Japan?" She asks

"Long story." Y/N says

Suddenly Y/N hears the bell ring, he looks over to the school then back to the reporters.

"If you would excuse me, I'm already running late!" Y/N announces as his body contracts downwards and then shoots up above the reporters

He lands behind them and quickly walks through the gate. Without sparring them a second glance, Y/N heads for the school. He didn't plan to get more of Aizawas wrath then he needs to.


Without hesitation Y/N runs to the classroom, meeting Midnight Infront of it.

"Eh... Hi?" Y/N greets her a bit confused

"Oh? Someone running late?" She asks with a smug smile

"Got hold up by some reporters." Y/N sighes

"Well get in quick!" Midnight tells him making way for him to enter

Y/N opens the door and slides inside.

"Today you will-... L/N? What gives us the honor that you decide to grace us with your presence?" Aizawa asks him obviously angered at his tardiness

"Sorry sir! Some reporters hold me up!" Y/N bows

Aizawa sighes looking at Y/N.

"I'll excuse that this once. Do not come late again for such a unnecessary reason." Aizawa tells him

Y/N doesn't wait for any more words and sits down at his seat.

"Well as I was saying. Today you will be deciding on your hero names." Aizawa says and is immediately stopped by the class cheering

"Hero names are important, they will stick with you till the end of your career. It will be a name everyone will get to know you by and associate you with. That's also why I got someone else here to check off your names. Because if you do something wrong now..." Aizawa explains

Suddenly the door is shot open.

"... You'll have hell to pay for later!" Midnight exclaimes entering the room

"Now for all of you, midnight will decide if your names are suitable I'm not classified to do that. Now good luck." Aizawas sighes zipping himself up in a sleeping bag

"Alright, I'm handing out some cards! You will have time until the end of homeroom to come up with a good name! And now good luck!" Midnight tells the students

Immediately everyone falls into a thinking stage, trying to find a suitable name. After 10 minutes the first students tries there name to be tested. Mina Ashido walks Infront of the class.

"The name I came up with! Alien queen!" She announces

"Like from one of those horror movies? No definitely not!" Midnight tells her of sending her back to her seat

Quickly after that Tsuyu walks to the front.

"The rainy season hero: Froppy." She simply says what she had written down on the board

"Wonderful! What a perfect name!" Midnight congratulates her and the class erupts into cheers

After that student after student went up.

"King explosion murder!" Bakugo announces Infront of the class

"That's a no-go! You won't take that name!" Midnight tells him

Kirishima, Kaminari and Y/N starts laughing.

"How old are you? 11?" Y/N asks

"You should be explosion boy!" Kirishima tells Bakugo laughing

"Shut it!" Bakugo shouts going back to his seat

Y/N walks up to the front.

"The twisting hero: Mahito!" Y/N announces

"Mahito...? Doesn't that mean like, true human?" Midnight questions

Seeing how some others went with names midnight didn't completly like, he tried something.

"The name has a bit more meaning to me. Leading society to it's true free form is important as a hero!" Y/N tells midnight... That was a lie, something Y/N may had believed in not to long ago but with the information he had gathered through books and the Internet, he knew better than to still follow such an impossible goal

"If that's the case, I wish you good luck with such a big goal!" Midnight believes the lie with a big smile Y/N sits back down

"Earphone jack!"

"Grape juice!"


After some time they were finished the name giving was finally over.

"L/N when homeroom is over stay here. I'll have something to talk to you about." Aizawa tells Y/N after Midnight leaves

Now what was that going to be about? His argument with All-Might? Him basically dragging UA through the mud live on TV? Y/N would need to wait a few more minutes and see...........

(An Idle hero society) Bnha X Male Mahito Reader Where stories live. Discover now