Pure survival instincts

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The first thing Y/N feels, is cold. As if death is clawing deep for him. The second thing he feels, is warmth. His face and his shoulder, with a dripping warm feeling closely followed by pain. The bullet and the hit to the head. Y/N's ears are ringing, his head aches, his shoulder hurts. He focuses on healing... Nothing happens, right... As it didn't when he fought the man.... Y/N slowly opens his eyes, cautiously pulling himself up from the ground. Scanning around, it takes him a bit to realize he isn't in the alley anymore. The air wasn't cool and fresh. The air was almost moist, and stuffy. A lone light brightening the room he is in. Infront of Y/N a single metallic door.

"Where...?" Y/N mutters slowly standing up

He immediately stumbles forward. Catching himself before he hits the ground. A few steps more and Y/N leans against the door slowly opening it. He wasn't running on logic, or rationality, he is running on pure instinct his mind still trying to collect itself. Otherwise he would have noticed how strange his situation was, he maybe would have stopped and thought that the door might be locked, but all he is running on is one question.

"Where am I...?" Y/N breathes out

Y/N marches on, slowly. Stepping through puddles of water. Light coming in from the sides through windows, but too high up to look through. His shoulder just keeps on aching. The ringing in his ears dying down.

"Is this... Some abandoned building...?" Y/N questions

Finally noticing how rundown everything around him is.

"How cliche..." He mutters

"You know it cost me quite a sum of money to get you delivered here." A stern male voice states

Y/N turns around.

"It's you, from the USJ... You really have a problem huh? Now paying people to get me? Am I your Idol or something?" Y/N jokes

"Even joking around, in a situation like this. You know, I really thought before the attack. If I was unfair to bring my problem with your parents to you, but after you took my arm I was sure I'm not doing anything wrong." The man states looking to his left missing arm

"You didn't give me much of a choice you know?" Y/N breathes

"Shut it, this ends here and now!" The man shouts rushing forward

Y/N jumps to the side, activating his quirk to gain more speed... But wait... His quirk wasn't working... Rushing to the side without the expected enhancement and a still overwhelmed mind the man is faster. A ripping sound, the sound of bones cracking. Y/N tumbles to the ground. His left arm hurts. Filled with adrenaline Y/N looks to how bad the wound is, but.... There is no arm. He took Y/N's left arm.

"So, that was my personal revenge on you. Now your mother." He states

Y/N stand up one arm gone the other wounded. The man swings his blade Y/N dodges.

"That wretched woman, she took one of my partners vision. Destroying their eyes!" He shouts swinging his blade down Y/N dodges to the side

But is immediately met with a fist to the gut, the face of the man turns into a smile as Y/N feels a force follow blood shooting out of his mouth and he gets shot backwards. Hitting the ground swirling around and finally hitting a wooden box.

"You are not used to fighting without your quirk. Suddenly you are brought down to such a little arsenal. And I'm just taking away more and more." The man states

Y/N looks up and is met by the light from outside... Only now he really realizes, it's sunlight. Surprised and blinded Y/N doesn't even see the blade coming, but he can feel the pain and the warm blood trickling down his face.

"And now your father!" The man shouts kicking Y/N another critical hit as Y/N is again shot through the abandoned building.

As adrenaline overflows in his body, Y/N is capable to slowly stand up. Cocking his head to make sure the blood from his right eye doesn't flow into the left.

"Your father took my friends head, so you know what will happen to you now don't you? I will end this here." The man states

"Yeah..." Y/N spits out blood

"Let's end this here..." Y/N mutters ignoring his wounds and slowly stepping towards the man

"What a beautiful sight. I had yearned for this day L/N!" The man exclaimes starting to run

Y/N breathes in and out. Closing his eye, focusing on the man's steps picking up the speed. They grow slower, he is getting close. Then the sound of shows grinding on the ground. Y/N let's himself drop.

"This is it!" The man shouts

Y/N pulls back his right arm, his shoulder screaming in pain, but he pulls through. The blade missing Y/N's head, his fist hits the man's abdomen. This hit needs to count, this would be the only thing Y/N could do, it needed to be good, it needed to have everything behind, this one needed to pack a PUNCH! Y/N opens his eyes as his fist fully connects. A red and black light emerging from the point where he hit.

"BLACK FLASH!" Y/N screams with everything he got

He didn't know why, it just... It felt right.

The man's body is shot backwards at an astounding speed hitting the ground, again, again and again. Finally hitting the wall flying through it and shattering the brick wall on his way.

As the light pushes through the collapsing wall and Y/N is met by the fresh air outside, he only kneels on the ground. No power left to stand up, the adrenaline leaving him his mind getting overwhelmed by pain. Everything burns. He just sits there.


Fatgum and Sun-eater reach the abandoned water distribution facility. They got called in after a wall of the building seemingly shattered away spontaneously. Reaching the wall, on the ground is a man bloodied surrounded by the bricks of the wall and missing an arm.

"It's one of the men who attacked the USJ." Fatgum states

"Sir! Look!" Sun-eater exclaimes looking in the building

Fatgums eyes widen, on the ground in the building kneels the boy whom he had searched for nearly the whole night. An arm missing drenched in blood.

"Call an ambulance!" Fatgum shouts running inside

As Fatgum runs in, Y/N's head slowly turns towards him.

"Y/N!? What happened?!" He exclaimes

Y/N's voice is weak coarse. How long had he been kneeling here like this?

"I'm sorry... I couldn't catch the fleeing man... But... But I think I got this one..." Y/N coughes up blood

As Fatgum reaches for the boy, he collapses into his arms. He needed a doctor and quickly.


*Here ya go! The MC's next power up! I hope you liked this chapter! I wish you all a wonderful day!

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