Mister Mummies information course

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The students of class 1-A are waiting, for their substitute teacher.

"I mean mister Aizawa was basically pavement at the end! No way he can take classes again!" Kaminari exclaimes

"But who will take over for him?" Jirou asks

Just then the door opens, showing a completely bandaged Aizawa.

"Morning." He says walking inside

"Haaa!?" The class exclaimes

"Mornin' Mister Mummy! How is Mister Aizawa?" Y/N asks

"Very funny L/N." Aizawa sighes

"You are back already!?" Mina exclaimes

"What a pro!" Kirishima exclaimes

"It's good to see that you are all well!" Ida says bowing down

"Dude? Does that look well to you?" Kaminari asks

"I'm fine, the old woman went overboard with her treatment. But you guys shouldn't rest either way. We have something incoming." Aizawa starts

"Villains again!?" Multiple of the class exclaim together

"The UA sports festival is drawing near." Aizawa announces

The class calms down visibly.

"But sir, is it really a good idea to uphold a festival after we were attacked?" Jirou asks

"UA faculty decided that this is the best way to show UA's crisis management. The security at the festival will be higher than ever and on top many heroes will be there." Aizawa tells them

"But it's just a school festival! We can just skip that can't we!?" Mineta exclaimes

"Mineta, have you never watched the school festival?" Midorya asks turning around

"Of course! But that's not the point!" Mineta exclaimes

"He doesn't get it!" Y/N says dramatically moving his arms

"The UA sports festival is one of the biggest happenings in Japan. And it's also the biggest thing for UA students. There you can make a name for yourself for the first time. Pros will be able to watch you and sent you invitations to internships afterwards. There you can start as sidekicks and branch your first connections to the world of the pros. Important is, this sports festival will be your first step into becoming a real hero." Aizawa tells them

After a short pause nearly the whole class explodes into cheers. All apart from Bakugo, Todoroki and Y/N. The latter watching the others with a smile.

Class ended pretty quickly after that, the hype many where feeling just made the time go by quick. As Y/N walks down the halls he runs into Midorya, Uraraka and Ida.

"Oh, Hiya!" Y/N greets them

They all turn to him in waving.

"Hey L/N! How are you? Are you pumped as well?!" Uraraka asks

"Oh, I'm exited to see what the other classes can do in one on one battles!" Y/N smiles

"Oh, L/N if I may ask, why do you want to become a hero?" Ida asks

Immediately Y/N's face turns blank, he stops completely mid movement.

"Why... I... Want...? I... I don't have a reason." Y/N tells them

"Huh?! Then why go through all of this hassle?!" The three of them exclaim

'And if you fail... we can't really do anything more for you. You either become a hero, or a criminal. We are already bending the law far too much here.'

Something along those lines were said to him at the hero commission.

"Let's say... I have a 'special situation'. It's either becoming a hero or rotting away alone." Y/N gives a slight smile

"Alone?" Ida asks

"Does that mean?" Uraraka questions

"No parents, no other relatives. Either I rot away alone or I take this... 'chance' the hero commission gave me." Y/N explains

To call this a chance felt wrong and being reminded why he was here... Made him feel miserable.

"I'm so sorry to hear that!" Uraraka exclaimes

"How kind of the hero commission to help you! Truly a showing of the best of hero society!" Ida exclaimes

... Kind? Kind of them, to basically spit on his parents death? Kind of them to ignore the real accident and force Y/N into a study he far from enjoyed at its core? The best of hero society? Sending an official villain under the protection to a hero school to study? Y/N is in officially innocent, the death of his parents was an accident... Just not a car accident as the fake story claims. Then on top taking everything away from him....

"Yeah... Kind..." Y/N spat then pressed past them leaving them confused in the hallway

"What was that about?" Ida asks

"... It sounds like, he is keeping something important hidden maybe? Maybe it wasn't as kind as it seems..." Midorya mutters

He is aware that Y/N's parents were villains, that they died in an accident... 'rotting away alone?' why would he automatically rot alone when he doesn't become a hero? Couldn't he just try to get into another job?... Midorya wasn't sure... But speculation wouldn't get him far. He would need to ask Y/N personally about it.


The next school day went by as the first... Pretty boring, nothing substantial mostly normal classes. That was until Bakugo opens the door to leave the classroom and is met with a mass of students.

"What are so many students doing here!?" Midorya exclaimes

"Isn't it obvious? They are coming to scout out the competition!" Bakugo exclaimes

"So many people?" Kirishima asks

"Doesn't matter, I'll crush them either way." Bakugo states

The mass of people starts to split, as a very tired looking fellow walks to the front.

"Many who landet in general education or other places, tried for the hero course you know? And at the Sportfestival, they can try to show the teacher, that their placement was wrong and take over one of your spots if you don't deliver enough. I'm one of those people and for your information, I am not here to scout out anyone. I'm here to give you an official declaration of war, I'll be aiming for one of your spots." The blue haired student tells them

While most of the students look shocked, Bakugo walks past him outside of the room.

"As I said, doesn't matter. I'll still crush you all." He stated leaving

"What an arrogant prick!" Someone from the students exclaimes

As the blue haired student stares at the heroes, he is suddenly picked up and dragged into the classroom. Exclaiming gibberish out of surprise, he suddenly finds himself being spun around a student with long grey hair and lots of patches and a wide smile, Y/N.

"Wonderful, Wonderful! And with what self esteem you have shown! I hope you are aware what you have done! Cause either way I won't hold back! Your little speech made that even more clean to me!" Y/N sets him down leaning closer to him suddenly Y/N's face turns cold, a straight slightly crazed stare

"Let's hope you didn't bite off more than you can chew." Y/N tells him I'm a cold voice leaving the blue haired student unmoving of shock

Suddenly Y/N straightens his back, his smile returned to his face.

"See you all tomorrow!" Y/N waves skipping to the door and then slithering through the mass

The blue haired student catches himself and slowly turns around to the door. What the hell was that supposed to be?

(An Idle hero society) Bnha X Male Mahito Reader Where stories live. Discover now