The rush of the battle

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The next day came quicker, than expected. Again sitting in the classroom. After homeroom was done and Aizawa announced that even though Midorya came in last, still no one would be expelled. He claimed it was a farce to get everyone to work to their fullest... But Y/N didn't believe that. Now they are waiting for All-Might, for foundational hero training. Y/N dearly hopes that this one would be a very practical class... He never had really fought anything and he was exited to finally let a bit loose with his quirk.

"What do you think will happen in Foundational Hero training L/N?" Midorya asks him

"Probably the hands on training, since we have been lacking that with the other courses." Y/N states

The whole class is talking, discussing what the class would be about. Well almost the whole class Bakugo and a red-white split haired boy going by the name Todoroki both stayed by themselves.

"But I have to say L/N's scars are pretty rat." Jirou tells Mina

She had hoped that their talk stays between them, but she hit an awkward moment in which everyone else went silent beforehand.

"Well thank you pluggy!" Y/N shouts happily rocking his chair back with a slight jump

Jirou immediately turn red, quickly turning away from Y/N.

"N-no problem!" She tells him

Y/N watches with a smile, as he watches Mina obviously tease Jirou about what happened.

"How does damn scar-face have more luck with the girls then I!?" Mineta exclaimes

Y/N cocks his chair and looks up so far the he looks at the grape haired boy a few seats behind him.

"It's called 'character'! Something you definitely lack!" Y/N tells him laughing and doing strange hand movements

Before any talk could continue, they are interrupted.

"I come through the door, like a hero!" All-Might announces rushing in the classroom

"Isn't that his silver age costume?" The frog girl Tsuyu asks

"Woah, cool!" Kaminari exclaimes

"How manly!" Kirishima joins him

"Well then students! Today we shall begin with foundational hero training!" All-Might starts

Suitcases emerge from a classroom wall.

"In these cases are the hero suits you commissioned to the school! Take them with you and follow me!" All-Might announces

Just as Y/N had hoped, this finally was going to get more hands on!


All of the students start to gather in a surveillance room clothed in their hero outfits. Y/N's is plaine, baggy pants no shoes and his shirt is merely an overthrown cloth, this way Y/N had the most freedom and he could still hide his transforming to certain extents.

"Well look at all you zygotes! I hope you are all prepared for: Battle training!" All-Might announces

"Can we beat each other up?!" Bakugo asks

"This is the same grounds as the entrance exam, will we be fighting robots?" Tsuyu asks

"If I may! The battle training will be your next step, you will take on the role of hero or villain, and will fight each other!" All-Might announces

Y/N's face grows a big smile.

"How will winners be determined?" Yaoyorozu asks

"How dead can we beat the other team?!" Bakugo asks

(An Idle hero society) Bnha X Male Mahito Reader Where stories live. Discover now