Internship invitations

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"Alright L/N let's do this quick. Because I want my office work done and you probably want to be home soon." Aizawa starts after all of the other students have left

"First of all, I don't care about what you said at the Sportfestival. But be careful if you want to be a hero, the media will try to find anything on you to make you their next big thing. Don't give them stuff to easy." Aizawa sighes

"Alright sir." Y/N smiles

"And secondly, you have a few hundreds of Internship invitations. I went through a few of them as I did with most of the other students and since out time is short and I need you to have a requested agency before you go. I'll tell you what I'll recommend you. Fat gums agency. While he himself isn't the best fit for your offensive capabilities, the student he has of the third years has a quirk somewhat similar to yours in a few aspects. I believe you can learn something from him and fatgum himself could teach you a bit more about defense. Most of the other heroes of course can teach you about the same in their general hero knowledge, but I think quirk wise you are set there the best. You would be interning with Kirishima as well." Aizawa tells Y/N

"I see, sounds good. I'll take it!" Y/N exclaimes giving Aizawa a thumbs up

"Alright then." Aizawa says putting a paper on the desk

"Then you need to sign on this paper and I'll get the rest done." Aizawa tells him

Y/N bows a bit forward, taking one of the pens from the desk and signs the paper.

"Well when will the washing machine be brought to my apartment? Or did I just sell my soul? You can never tell with papers you sign!" Y/N laughes

He puts the pen down and Aizawa takes the sheet of paper.

"All right L/N, now get out of here. Everyone wants to get home as soon as possible... I need sleep." Aizawa sighes standing up

"Well a good rest then!" Y/N exclaimes rushing out of the room


"Oh L/N! What did Aizawa want to talk with you about?" Uraraka asks him as he walks by

"Nothing big, just the internship." Y/N tells her

"Ah I see. Whom did you decide to take?" Ida asks

"Fatgum, apparently there is another student who could give me some ideas for my quirk." Y/N shrugs

"Whom did you take Ida?" Midorya asks

"I intern with Manual." Ida answers

Manual... A pro hero in Hosu.... Didn't Ida had to leave the sports festival early for an emergency?

"Oh right... What was that emergency about at the sports festival?" Y/N asks Ida

"Oh... My-my brother got attacked by the hero killer. He probably won't be able to work as a hero ever again." Ida stutters

Bingo, stuttering as if he has been caught. Hosu fits the bill as well. Y/N gives Ida some 'knowing eyes'.

"I see..." Y/N mutters

"Huh? What do you see?" Uraraka asks

"Can we talk for a moment L/N?" Ida asks pulling him aside

A few feet away Ida looks left and right. Then looks back at Y/N.

"I guess you figured me out, please don't tell anyone!" Ida pleaded

"Who am I to stop a man who whishes to head into certain death." Y/N states with a smug smile

"Wh-wha-..." Ida stutters baffled

"Well come on, how many heroes has he killed in the shadows? What makes you think, you a first year can take him out alone?" Y/N asks

"It's not about weather I can or not! I have to do it!" Ida tell Y/N

"Don't tell me that, you have already told yourself that enough. Won't change what you will be doing and I ain't wasting my breath on a fanatic." Y/N waves him off turning around

"Don't call me a fanatic L/N!" Ida exclaimes

Y/N didn't answer, he didn't care. He also didn't really care if Ida would survive this. If someone wishes to die for their beliefs it's their decision.
When you are hungry, eat, when you want to battle, fight and when you want to try something impossible, fall.

Y/N's stomach grumbles.

"Talking about hungry..." Y/N sighes

"At least it's a quick walk home..." He concludes marching on


Walking up the stairs, Y/N's phone rings.

"Heya Iori!" Y/N chimes

"Hey Kiddo, so I got news on Ms Yasuhiro." Iori says

"Shoot." Y/N says unlocking the door to his apartment

"So they found hefty evidence that supports the theory about the quirk. They are trying to find a way now to fight the effects." Iori tells Y/N

"Sounds good." Y/N says planting his bag on the ground

"And something else..." Iori starts as Y/N opens the fridge looking inside

"Yeah? What is it?" Y/N asks

"Be careful going out. There have been multiple victims being burned to death, not too far away from you. And even worse, depending on some times of deaths the police could determine... There a two villains doing this." Iori tells Y/N

"Well thank you for the information... Am not planning to end up like some burnt ends!" Y/N chuckles pulling out some spaghetti from yesterday giving it a sniff

"Just be careful kiddo alright?" Iori ask

"Will be! But I need to end the call right now. I am hungry and still need to do... Homework." Y/N sighes at the last word

"Ok, keep up the good work kiddo." Iori tells Y/N ending the call

Alright first the food... Then the suffering. The person who came up with the concept of homework, must be a supervillain by definition or something... Plain torture disguised as 'work' a partial torture method.... But Y/N was doing this to not get arrested... Homework does sound better than confinement... He at least is pretty free to do what he wants this way.

(An Idle hero society) Bnha X Male Mahito Reader Where stories live. Discover now