Officially soon to be hero

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Y/N is on his way to the beach. Midorya told him to get there, to talk about his results. Y/N steps down the stairs to the beach, all he can hear is the sound of the city and the water on the shore. As Y/N looks around he sees Midorya standing there looking out at the water. Y/N starts to sneak towards him, stretching his arms out until they reach Midorya. Then in one Swift move Y/N grabs him pulling him backwards towards himself.

"Woaaah! Who!? Y-Y/N, what are you doing!?" Midorya shouts

Y/N starts to twirl on spot swinging Midorya around him.

"Isn't it obvious! I'm pulling you out of your thoughts!" Y/N laughes

"I... I feel sick..." Midorya states putting a hand on his mouth

Hearing that Y/N puts him back on his feet. Midorya immediately plants on his butt.

"You alright there?" Y/N asks bowing down to his height

"Y-yeah... I'm... Ok..." Midorya breathes in between swallows

"Good! Can't have you dying before you tell me your results!" Y/N straightens up

"And after?" Midorya asks

"We will cross that bridge when we get there!" Y/N announces

"I-I see." Midorya mutters standing up

They both stand there Midorya looking left and right searching for someone.

"Well?" Y/N asks

"Huh? Oh, sorry wait a moment! All-Might should be coming too." Midorya tells him

"Are you talking about me!? Hahahaha!" All-Might laughes

All-Might jumps down to the two boys.

"And have you told him young Midorya?" All-Might asks

"No I waited for you to get here!" Midorya tells him

"I see, then go right ahead boy!" All-Might laughes

"I did it Y/N! I'm in! With only rescue points!" Midorya exclaims

"Nice!" Y/N exclaimes Pointing five pairs of finger guns towards Midorya

"And just to be clear young Midorya, I wasn't a part of the judges! You did that all on your own!" All-Might tells him

"Did you get your school stuff already?" Y/N asks

"Mh? No, why?" Midorya asks

"Mine supposedly arrives tomorrow." Y/N states checking again on his phone

"Yours should be as well Midorya! Normally everything would get to you in one shipment. But I heard some decisions were a bit last minute so everything got a bit shifted around!" All-Might tells him

"How will your hero costume look Y/N?" Midorya asks

"Nothing flashy, simple colors, baggy and much free skin. Allows for more weaponizing since the clothes come in the way unless I transfigure my whole body." Y/N states

"You already thought much about this!" Midorya exclaims

"Well yeah, I and many others already have an idea what our quirk needs. Indifferent to you. I could give you a few hints... But you getting your own ideas will only deepen your own understanding of the quirk." Y/N states

"I already have a suit... But you are right, it's not one bit made with my quirk in mind..." Midorya mutters

Y/N looks down at Midoryas arm something feel off about it.

"Did something happen to your arm?" Y/N asks looking down at it

"Huh? Y-yeah I broke it using my quirk. But recovery girl healed me!" Midorya states

(An Idle hero society) Bnha X Male Mahito Reader Where stories live. Discover now