Awaking from a nightmare

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Slowly Y/N's undamaged eye opens, as his face is kissed by the sunlight. A constant beeping slowly filling his ears

Beep... Beep... Beep.

His vision is graced by mostly white. White sheets a white room and accompanied by the typical smell of a hospital.

"And to believe we thought we got hurt badly." A timid voice says

"His whole arm is gone... And I wasn't even there, maybe I'm not cursed...." A stern voice mutters

"Todoroki please this is not the moment!" A strict voice scolds him

"Fatgum found him in an abandoned facility. He apparently had a fight with the man I showed you." A kind voice says

"The man looks like someone who alr fought him at the USJ as far as I've heard." The timid voice states

"Be that as it may, similar to stain the villain is now locked up. I'll be leaving him to you. I still have some reports to write." The kind voice says as a door opens and closes

Slowly Y/N begins to move, carefully sitting up in the bed.

"Huh!? You are awake!" Midorya exclaimes

"I'm getting someone!" Ida shouts running out of the room

Y/N starts to chuckle.

"You said something about being cursed Todoroki, what was that about?" Y/N asks with a smile

"Huh? Oh... Nothing important..." Todoroki mutters looking away

"Y/N, a-are you alright?" Midorya asks

"I feel fine... Apart from my arm, my eye and this splitting headache." Y/N says

"The doctor said, you have a concussion." Midorya tells Y/N

"How kind of that man! Takes an arm but gives me a concussion! Haha- ouch! My head..." Y/N tries to joke

The door opens again.

"You should really rest Mr. L/N. Your wounds were pretty severe. You are only still alive because your quirk started to act on itself to keep you alive." A doctor says entering the room

"My quirk... It stopped working after I was shot in the shoulder... But later in the fight... There was something like a discharge of energy from my body." Y/N states

"Your quirk stopped working!?" Midorya exclaimes

"After you were shot, so it was the right decision to send that bullet into the lab. It looked weird to me. Well at least the effects of the bullet wasn't permanent." The doctor says pulling out a little flashlight lighting it in Y/N's eyes

"Still delayed reaction, but it's better than before. You as well will need to stay the night, I've been told you can regenerate the damaged body parts yourself. Is that correct?" The doctor asks

"Not with this headache, I can't concentrate." Y/N sighes

"Well then I'll be getting you some painkillers soon, you rest and soon you can start regenerating." The doctor looks up to the others

"I'll leave you boys to talk. But when I'm back with his painkillers, I will send you back to your room. He needs rest and something to eat." The doctor tells them standing up and leaving

Y/N stomach growls, he sighes then looks to the others.

"Well you looked better before the internship too. What did you do?" Y/N asks them

"We ran into stain and were saved... By endeavor last minute." Midorya tells Y/N

Y/N lies his head down on the pillow, giving a slight nod.

"You are lying." He suddenly states

"Huh!?" Midorya and Ida exclaime while Todoroki only stares at Y/N

"You all were in different internships. Completely apart of other places in the city. You don't by chance run into stain together, without any of the other pro heroes and suddenly Endeavor arrives." Y/N states

"Well It wasn't chance we... And then .... We..." Ida stutters

"What I believe, is that you wanted revenge." Y/N states turning his head to Ida

"But you vastly underestimated Stain, or overestimated yourself. Knowing nothing about your enemy and ignoring his victories over far better trained heroes than you, you still went blinded by anger... He... And I would think you were humbled pretty quickly and you called for help quick. Resulting in you pulling Midorya and Todoroki down with you." Y/N continues

"H-how!" Ida exclaimes

"N-No!" Midorya shouts

"When Aizawa left me to stay back to talk about the internship I saw your application. You took an agency in Hosu. I mean so closely after your brother and then an agency near stains last attack. It was obvious and Midorya and Todoroki are exactly the kind of people who would quickly run off to help when a friend called for help." Y/N tells them

"Please don't tell anyone that you know about this!" Midorya exclaimes

"Huh? But I planned to send it to a news channel as quickly as possible." Y/N says with a blank face

"No!" Ida exclaimes

"Hahahaha! As if! You guys should have seen your faces! Haha- ouch! Ah damn... My head." Y/N whines

The door opens.

"What's all this screaming about? Out here boys! I said he needs rest!" The doctor shues them out of the room

The doctor places a tray with some food next to Y/N and a bucket.

"What's this for?" Y/N asks pointing at the bucket

"Well I'll be staying with you for a moment. You'll start eating your food slowly and when you get nauseous you tell me. We need to test of you can get at least something in without vomiting with that concussion and when that is done. Well put some painkillers in you." The doctor states

"Alright." Y/N says slowly sitting up he looks down at the food tray

Some dry rice, and a piece of chicken breast.

"Some calories and protein. The chicken is slightly salted and naturally low in fat since it's the leaner chest meat. This should be easily digested. And when that stays in along with the pain killers, I'll get you an injection for vitamins and everything else your body needs." The doctor tells Y/N

"Alright, here goes nothing. Bottoms up." Y/N says taking the fork and taking a piece of the pre cut chicken

It maybe was pretty stale, but because Y/N was hungry it tasted wonderful. Slowly piece by pieces he ate half of the chicken, then pauses.

"Everything alright?" The doctor asks

"Yeah... Just taking a moment." Y/N says

"Intelligent. Most would be devouring the food after not eating for two days. That usually hurts their stomach." The doctor says

"I know." Y/N states putting down the fork and taking the spoon, taking some rice on it and putting it into his mouth

After some minute the food is gone.

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asks

"I feel okay." Y/N sighes

"Good." The doctor says placing down a bottle of water and two pills

"Take them. Take your time if you need to and then lie down and take some rest. I'll be checking on some other patients. Press that button up there when you feel nauseous or anything." The doctor states leaving the room

Y/N takes both pills in his hand and throws them into his mouth. Opening the water bottle he downs both pills in one go and lies down. A deep sigh escaping his lips, he had survived the nightmare... But only now he realized how weak he is without his quirk. He needed to train for that... And soon.


*I am back! With an update on the Hazbin hotel and this story! Next update will either be the JJK or the Hazbin hotel story again! I wish everyone a wonderful day!

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