No holding back

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"And now welcome our fighters for the finale! They fought their ways up here and now it's time to bring this sports festival into its last nerve racking round! Please welcome:
The explosive nature Katsuki Bakugo!
The natural cunning Y/N L/N!" Mic announces their arrival

"Patch face! I hope you'll do as you say! I want a damn all out battle alright?! Give me everything you have!" Bakugo shouts

"Of course I will! There would be no fun in holding back would it?!" Y/N retords with a smile


"How far do you think these two will go Deku?" Uraraka asks him from the side

"H-hard to tell.... I wouldn't be surprised if one of them needed to go to the hospital afterwards." Midorya tells her

"You don't think any of the heroes will step in before that happens?" Kirishima asks from behind

"Hard to tell if they'll even get the chance to." Midorya says

Anything could happen...


"Alright you two! You know the rules! 3!



Go!" Midnight let's there battle commence

Immediately Bakugo shoots towards Y/N, and sends an explosion forward. But Y/N dodged it, by turning his legs into that of a deer and evading the attack. Immediately Bakugo follows up with another explosion, for a moment Y/N isn't visible, only dust and smoke. When the smoke settles Y/N is gone, Bakugo looks left and right...

"Where the hell did he go!?" Bakugo shouts

As he suddenly is reminded of something his head shoots up, but Y/N isn't flying. When he looks down again, a hard first hits his chin sending him flying. As Bakugo steadies himself with explosions and stands back safetly. He watches as Y/N reforms himself from a puddle on the ground.

"Surprise!" Y/N laughes

Bakugo only grunts, the shoots himself towards Y/N again. The latter turns his arm into long chains striking forward. Bakugo explodes the chains away, but Y/N takes on the momentum of the chains and spins back from the other side hitting Bakugo into the ground before he can send another explosion.

"You'll need more force!" Y/N shouts shooting his hands towards Bakugo, but before he reaches him. Bakugo shoots himself into the air.

"More force huh!?" Bakugo shouts propelling himself into the air

Y/N doesn't only watch, he does something confusing everyone. With his left hand he reaches into his mouth.


'Wh-what are you doing!?'

'Nothing important'

Midorya remembers when he caught Y/N doing something... But what?


Y/N pulls it out of his throat, and transfigures it back to its original form.

"L/N pulled another of his arms out of his mouth! What the hell was that about!?" Mic shouts

Y/N looks up to Bakugo who is still elevating himself.

"You see Bakugo, using my quirk strains my body. Transforming to much without training towards it can be quite painful as well. But using body parts that aren't part of me anymore I can transfigure them to my hearts content!" Y/N shouts throwing his severed arm upwards to Bakugo

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