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Y/N sits in a questioning room with a policeman. The incident yesterday has forced the police to search for anything they can get, it was only a matter of time when they would question Y/N.

"So your name is L/N Y/N correct?" The police officer asks

"Correct!" Y/N says

"We would like to ask you a few questions about yesterday, since your obvious possibility of connections to villains. Especially after you and two others told the police about one of them having a personal grudge against you." The policeman states

Why did Y/N tell Bakugo and Kirishima about that again?... Right,... Because he himself was confused about that. Because it was obvious that one of them would say something about it. He had to as well.

"Of course sir." Y/N sighes

"Just before we begin. This is getting recorded and will be evaluated here and later again. After the second evaluation you will be cleared of any suspicions... Or not." The policeman tells him

"Alright, then shoot." Y/N says

"To begin, did you know any of the villains? Apart from the blonde villain you described?" He asks

"To be exact, I didn't even knew that blonde one. He apparently had a quarrel with my parents, but since they are dead he could only get his revenge on me." Y/N tells him

The police officer takes some notes.

"Mh, I see. Can you confirm or deny, what the villains were planning yesterday? As far as we have gathered, their plan was to eliminate All-Might, what do you know?" The policeman asks

"... Mostly I got that feeling too." Y/N mutters

"Mostly?" The policeman asks rising an eyebrow

"Well... Firstly of course, that blonde man who wanted to kill me... And then that hands guy... I think they called him shigaraki... He said his master talked about me. It sounded like... He wanted me to join them. His master seems to know about me." Y/N explains

"That is, interesting to know. So you are possibly a target of that group yourself." The policeman states taking further notes

He looks over at the mirror, of course it was a one sided window. He must be waiting for instructions.

The man stares for a moment then turns back to Y/N.

"As far as we can tell from the moment, you are as much victim as the others. Maybe even more. After the second review, if we either can't deny or can support what you said. You will be provided with a number to call if anything suspicious happens near your living place." The policeman tells him

"But I have Iori from the hero commission for that." Y/N says

"Iori is a kind soul, but he is no fighter or anything. The number you will be given, will get you in direct contact with someone who can help you and has direct access to calling in appropriate heroes if needed to." The policeman says standing up

"Alright then." Y/N says standing up as well


Leaving the police department, Y/N spots Iori standing outside on his phone. Y/N sneaks towards him, the moment Iori puts his phone down, Y/N grabs him with lengthened arms spinning him around.

"Iori!" Y/N exclaimes stretching out the name

"God! L/N! You scared me!" Iori shouts as Y/N puts him down again

"Aww! Did you think you were being snatched by a big bad villain?" Y/N asks

"I was simply not prepared!" Iori exclaimes

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