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D'ella's POV-

We rode for a couple days before we finally saw the island. I let out happy yips I couldn't hear but it made my family smile so I don't really mind.

My father led us around the bank and to a sand spot that we could all land on. I guided my ikran Ney'seze after my mother and her first spirit sister onto the sand next to my older brother who helped me down.

I held my fathers hand as we walked up the shore and where surrounded by teal colored Navi. They where so beautiful, and the way their bodies have adapted to survive in this environment is amazing.

I saw two teen boys about neteyams age come through the crowd and stand behind neteyam and Loak. I couldn't hear what was happening but I saw evil smiles on the teal boys faces and both my brothers tails where curved up to show they where angry.

A beautiful girl who looked slightly younger than me walked out of the water and corrected the boys on their manners which I found funny.

I saw loaks mouth move but it looked like just one word but that one word made the beautiful girl blush and giggle.

I saw shadows above us on the ground and my family ducked as these water ikran things dove into the water and out came the olo'ektan and his warriors.

I saw him say my fathers name as we all motioned 'I see you'. My father said that the olo'ektan was tonowari and the tsahik was ronal. I loved her name so much!

Just as I thought that I saw who I think was her part the crowd and walk through she was followed by a very young warrior who must have been her son because I saw an aura connecting the two and the way the held themselves was the same.

Ronal broke off from her son and mate and walked around and through my family judging us for the way we were built.

I had gotten excited earlier and hadn't realizedi had stepped forward and was at the front of my family until the tsahik ran her hands through my loose shoulder length hair probably wondering why it wasn't in braids.

I turned towards her and brought my hand from my forehead to my waist showing her respect.

"What's your name child?" She asked me.

I didn't like talking because iv been told you can't understand me so I looked at my momma so she could answer for me.

"Her name is d'ella" I saw her answer for me.

I turned back towards the tsahik just in time to see her ask why I copied t answer for myself which seemed to piss my momma off.

Momma walked up behind me and I felt her chest press onto my back and I felt a lot calmer.

My father must have noticed that mom was losing her patience because he spoke up.

"My daughter she's uh- deaf" he cringed as he spoke because he knew navis weren't born deaf so there was no term for it meaning that they wouldn't understand what he ment.

"Deaf?" Tonowari spoke up now standing next to ronal infront of us. Their children must have been curious because they all moved to stand next to their parents a couple yards in front of us.

"Yes! She uh- she can't hear" my father spoke out for me while I played with my mothers arm band. She had attached beads to it that spin because she knew it calmed me.

"Anything?" I saw the beautiful girl from before speak up peeking out from behind her mother.

"No. Nothing" my father said.

That seemed to sadden the family as whispers I couldn't hear flooded the crowd around us.

My father quickly cut in. "But that doesn't mean she can't keep up! Infact she's a head in mostly everything back at the forest. She's smart... can do anything she sets her mind to" he said the last part looking at me.

I internally thanked him.

Kiri stepped up grabbing my hand and pulling me into her rapping both of us in her shawl behind our parents.

She knew I loved physical touch so we often shared things like blankets and the sleeping mat.

I played with her braids as our parents talk and I saw out of the corner of my eye my father and youngest sister use the sully trick to guilt trip the metkayina leaders into letting us stay.

It worked.

I watched the olo'ektan as he spoke. My daughter Tsireya and son aonung will show your children what to do. And if your daughter needs help my eldest son za'ke can help"

I thought it was sweet of him to think of me but I don't think my mom thought the same "she is not stupid I bet she can do better than the people who have grown up here! She does not need-" my father quickly shut her up before she started cussing "thank you! For thinking of her but she won't need help us what my mate is trying to say" my dad smiled at my mom but she just rolled her eyes and walked towards our ikrans to start unpacking.

As everyone was talking I walked towards the things the olo'ektan and his warriors arrived on and stuck my hands out so they could smell me and to show I'm not a threat.

The one in front quickly nestled his head into my stomach that was just above the water. I took it as a sign of friend ship and quickly grabbed the base of my kuru flipping it around my shoulder.

The beast infront of me showed me his antenna showing me he wanted to connect. I slowly and carefully connected our kurus making tsaheylu.

After waiting a few seconds to make sure we got used to each other I jumped on his back where a saddle pad was already attached and sat on it.

Neytiri's POV-

As my mate was sucking up to the clans olo'ektan and tsahik I saw swim thing out of the corner of my eye and looked over to see my baby girl jumping on the back of the water beast we saw earlier. "D'ELLA NO" I yelled even though she couldn't hear me which seemed to catch the attention of everyone else's who quickly looked where I was looking.

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