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Za'ke POV-

My mother and I where sitting on one of the flat rocks when we saw half a dozen shadows soar over our island.

We quickly followed the crowd me following my mother as we parted through all the people.
When we got through we saw a Navi family a lot darker than us standing on the sand bank.

While my mother walked through the family judging them I stood in to corner watching them all and getting an idea of who they are when I stopped at the girl in the front.

She looked to be a few years younger than me but she was the most beautiful thing I had seen in my entire life, the way her eyes where like two stars plucked from the sky, and her azure skin so soft like when you drift your hand on top of the sea. If was as if she was the embodiment of eywa herself.

I didn't realize how long I spaced staring at this girl until I saw my mother standing behind her running her finned arm through her soft hair. God iv never wanted to be my mom before until now.

I could tell my mom already had a soft spot for the girl when she politely asked for her name as if she where asking eywa a question.

They girl looked panicked for a second and looked at who I assumed was her Mother who quickly walked up behind her and answered for her.

D'ella. Her name was D'ella.

It fit so well and I wanted to say it out loud but I knew I would look stupid.

My mother asked why she couldn't say her name herself and I truly wondered the same but deep down I just wanted to hear her say it. I bet her voice was like the wind blowing through the tree of souls.

The man I assumed was her father and definitely the leader of their family stepped forward and explained that d'ella was 'deaf'.

I didn't know what deaf was but I'd kill it if it was preventing her from speaking.

I wanted to hear what dead was as did my family as we all stepped infront of the family.


She can't- she can't hear?!

My sister seemed to be just as baffled as me as she quickly asked "anything?"

A girl who looked a lot like my girl came forward and grabbed her gently moving her back into her and covering her with her own shawl which I thought was the cutest and sweetest thing ever. They must have been same sisters and Navi call it. It's when eywa blesses a mother she thinks is truly the best mother in a clan with two children in one cycle.

As I was staring at the back of my fathers head I hadn't realized d'ella had wondered off until it was too late. I looked around to see if I could find her and when I finally found her my heart stopped beating.

She was petting the tsurak and as I was about to run to her so I could protect her I saw the tsurak lean into her and show her kuru indicating he wanted to bond...wanted...to bond. Tsuraks don't do that.

As I watched her tame the beast with no effort I heard her mother freak out and call her back. But it was to late.

The tsurak took off under water as we all looked in the direction it went in. We where all knee deep in the water and as my mother and father went to get their tsurak. She leaped out of the water. D'ella leaped out of the ocean on the back of the olo'ektans tsurak the beast most known for taking off limbs completely gave up his freedom for a girl he just meet.

She had the biggest smile on her face as she guided the tsurak 'Koa' over to us. Her father approached her and cupped her face putting his forehead against hers with a smile on his face.

He looked over to us before saying. "I told you. She's just as good as the rest of you. If not better."

My parents in that moment truly believed him.

As did I.

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