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Za'ke POV-

Walking away from D'ella so soon was hard but I needed to deal with these immature little boys before they hurt someone else. Or worse.

Holding someone's head underwater, even just to scare them can go seriously wrong and these boys don't seem to understand that.

As I walked up to the group of 5 including my little brother they seem to all understand what was about to happen, I almost felt bad for scaring the kids but the image of D'ella being held under the sky blue water just made me angrier.

The boys surrounding my brother tried to get up and walk away but I spoke up before they could get far "Sit back down you little shits"

As much as they wanted to run away they where to scared to do anything than what I told them because they knew I'd just find them later and the same thing would happen.

After they all sat down and had their attention turned to me I spoke once more "Which one of you fuckers was the one with their hand on the back of her head" I said pointing a finger at them, I knew that they'd know exactly what I was talking about with me having to specify.

They all turned and looked at each other "WHICH ONE?!" I snapped which made them all point at Aonung who sat in the middle of his little posey.

Knowing that it was my own brother who hurt the girl he knew I loved sent me into a rage I didn't know I could feel.

Before any one could even blink I had both of my large hands around my brothers throat and started to drag him towards the water.

I made Aonung lay on his stomach as I held the back of his neck to make his face hover over the water "Is this how you did it! Is this what you did to her?!" I screamed before I forced his head into the cold water while his puny friends watched.

When I looked down at Aonung struggling in the shallow ocean water all I could see was D'ella and how scared she must of felt, and how I wasn't there to save her.


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