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D'ella's POV-

We all sat in a circle with who I know know is Za'ke on my right and neteyam on my left with kiri next to him. He wanted to be close to me but knew I needed to feel kiri close so he saved her a spot next to him.

Tsireya quickly jumped into teaching us how to breathe. I knew I could hold my breathe for a long time but I still listened and watched to make sure I could do it the metkayina way.

Tsireya noticed loak struggling so she placed her finned hands on his chest and stomach. "Loak your heart is beating fast. Calm" "sorry"
I could see Za'ke and neteyam share a look over my head and I didn't know why but kiri seemed to know because she called them childish.

After we took turns showing Tsireya our breathing she said me and kiri where the best. That made me squeal which made everyone else smile especially Za'ke who seemed to stare at me a lot.

Tsireya said we where ready and graduated from breathing so she took us to the shallow water where aonung took over.

He made some calls I couldn't hear and a few animals that looked a lot less harmless than the ones before showed up. They had long necks and looked very slimy but that didn't stop me from stepping up and petting one.

I giggled a little bit when it nudged my cheek and seemed to miss the loving gaze Za'ke looked at me with but I was to busy with the creature infront of me.

Aonung said it was an Ilu. I loved ilu.

The ilu infront of me showed me his kuru like the tsurak had done this morning so I took my braid from behind my back and connected us.

Aonung was about to walk up to me to show me how to hold and ride but neteyam had stopped him telling him I already had it figured out which I did.

I hopped in gently to make sure I didn't hurt her and told her through our bond to start off slow so I didn't fall off.

She did exactly that and led me through coral hoops and we glided across the ocean floor we sticking my hand out to touch the soft sand that was warm from the sun.

Za'ke POV-

"Let's hope you are as good as your sister if you want to stay here" i elbowed my little brother after he said that telling him just to teach them as I went back underwater to watch d'ella.

As the rest of the kids where distracted I took an ilu and quickly caught up to d'ella. We swam together with our ilu riding in circles and gliding around each other.

After about an hour we went back to shore and it seemed the rest of our family's had moved on. D'ella sat on the shore with her feet in the water and that's when I realized... she had human feet. 5 toes on each foot not like your average Navi. I didn't care one bit.

I sat down next to her a little to close then I ment but when I felt the spark when our shoulders and thighs touched I couldn't move myself. But then again she didn't move either.

After a few minutes of watching the sun start to set I decided that this was the perfect moment to show her the shells I got her.

I took off my hip pouch that was made to collect medicine and showed her the shells I had gotten for her.

I took my finned hand and put it under her chin lifting her head to look at me so she could read my lips "I got these for you. I hope you like th-" I was quickly cut off when she threw herself into my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck. I quickly wrapped my finned arms around her small waist wanting to feel her skin against mine. I could feel her perky chest against my stomach as her fingers played with my curly hair which I wanted her to do forever.

She could feel my resistance to let go so she let me hold her for a few more minutes before letting go. I would have held onto her longer but I knew she was excited to look at her new shells.

She carefully takes my herb pouch in her small hands and pulls her loincloth over her thighs to make a small pool for her to pour out the shells.

As she was looking through them I slowly moved my finger to touch her thigh to see if she'd move it or tell me to back off. When she didn't do either I slowly started to use the back of my index finger to rub the outside of her thigh.

It seemed to calm her as she looked through her shells. She put them back in the pouch and tired to hand it back to me. "No no d'ella. For you baby." She points to her chest as if asking if it really was for her and I quickly nodded my head to reassure her. "Yes! For you"

She hugged me again this time tighter. She tried squeezing me as hard as she could but it didn't even hurt which just made her even cuter if that was even possible.

I realized it was getting dark so I reluctantly pulled away "d'ella baby it's getting dark I think you should go home and get some rest"
She let out a little whine which made me sad and happy, sad because she was upset and happy because she wanted to stay with me.

I walked her home to make sure she knew the way and handed her off to her parents which seemed happy to have their baby back with them. They thanked me and I gave them a smile in return and quickly made my way to my own mauri.

I was headed straight towards my room when I heard my mom ask "where's your medicine pouch Za'ke?"


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