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Za'ke POV-

After everyone settled down and Neytiri the mother got d'ella out of the water hissing at Koa they started unpacking and carrying things following Tsireya.

I saw d'ella unpacking her things which seemed to have an all purple theme into the sand so she could carry it but before she could I crabbed what I could carry and more leaving the small light stuff for her.

She looked up at me shocked but then smiled the most gorgeous smile you'll ever see at me. at ME. Eywa I hope I can get her to do that again.

She grabbed the rest of the things in the sand and followed her family on the bouncing doc. My mother and father followed me as we went to show the new family their Mauri.

As my parents and I where following d'ella she started bouncing which soon turned into jumps on the pathway. When I heard her giggle I decided it was even better than that perfect smile.

I think my parents felt the same because the great olo'ektan tonowari giggled. Giggled.

And the cold tsahik ronal awwed. Awwed.

Honestly I couldn't blame them she was perfect.

As we all filed into the mauri my sister spoke "this will be your new home!" After she was done talking mrs. Sully dropped the sleeping mat she had and let out a dramatic sigh to show her unhappiness. I mean who could blame her. She was chased out of her home and living with strangers who mocked her children.

I saw d'ella set her things down next to the window and I quickly made my way across the house to put her things down so she could decorate. As her family saw me walk by them they where confused but when they saw me crouch next to their baby that confusion turned to anger.

But it was worth all the glares to have d'ella place her hand on my chest above my heart to say thank you.

I never wanted her to move her hand but eywa didn't seem to be granting wishes right now because d'ella took her hand off my chest and went back to decorating. For a moment I just sat there looking at her in complete awe.

"Z! c'mon bro" iv never wanted to be an only child anymore than this moment right here as my little brother aonung called out. I rolled my eyes and pried myself away from the goddess infront of me following my siblings out of the mauri.

"Don't worry Z! We are going swimming in an hour when they are done unpacking!" I took back the thing I said about being an only child. We can keep Tsireya.

D'ella's POV-

I was decorating my spot I had picked out next to the window when kiri placed both hands on my shoulders and led me over to where our family was squatting.

I was too excited to listen so I looked around the hut as I sucked on the tip of my 'pinkie' dad tried telling me I didn't have one but I just cried until he said I did. I knew I technically didn't have one but I wanted to be like my brother loak so we could match.

My mom nudged my leg at the end of the meeting when we all said 'sullys stick together'
She liked it when I talked but that was the only phrase I let myself say but it could only be when we where alone so no one could hear me.

I quickly bounced back the my window corner when we where dismissed and right as I placed my dream catcher that my dad made me to hang in the window Tsireya knocked on the door way.

I liked this hut. It had a wooden beam around the entrance so I could feel when people knocked.

I saw her say it was time for swimming and before I couldn't wait to swim but now I was worried. Anything could happen.

All my worries washed away when my twin kiri grabbed my hand and led us the the edge of the doc. She made sure I was looking at her before counting to 3 and we both jumped in including tuk who had joined us.

I saw Tsireya, aonung and a boy with curly hair sticking up ontop of his head swimming below us.

Kiri saw some fish and went to explore while I stayed with neteyam, loak and tuk.

My sibling went up for air after a few seconds and I swam up with them but on the way up I realized I really didn't need a break. That didn't stop me though I knew my siblings needed me.

As we took our break at the top of the water we stuck our heads down and this time I saw the boy from before who carried my things with the rest of the group.

Tsireya said something with her hands but me and my siblings couldn't understand. When she realized we couldn't understand she just motioned for us to come down.

My siblings knew they couldn't go down so they stayed on top splashing each other but while they weren't looking I went down and cought up with the metkayina kids.

They seemed shocked I made it all the way down and stayed down.

I saw a shimmery shell on the ocean floor and quickly used the coral to guide and push myself down going further that the metkayina kids so I could get it.

After I scooped it up I turned to face up and showed tsireya the shell I had found giving her a big smile my family seemed to love.

She slapped her hands showing how much she liked the shell and motioned for us to go back up towards my siblings. I nodded and followed them up.

Neteyam was the first to speak "d'ella how do you go so long sister?"

The boy with the crazy curly hair ontop of his head seemed confused "I thought she could not hear?"

This time loak spoke up "she can read your lips! Right Ella!"

They all looked at me and I nodded my head yes supper fast as neteyam spoke up again "we do not speak this finger talk" when he finished Tsireya said she would teach us.

That's when I noticed I couldn't feel my twin near me. I started whining unknowingly.

"What's she doing?! What's wrong?!" Aonung spoke clearly freaking out by my noises.

"It's fine we'll find kiri soon D calm down!" Loak quickly spoke knowing exactly why I was freaking out he seemed to be waiting for me to notice before so he could keep me calm.

Za'ke POV-

"How did you know that's what she wanted?" I asked.

Her younger brother looked to me. "Because kiri and d'ella are always together. It's only a matter of time for her to start crying when their apart." He stated and I quickly kept that in mind.

My sister reached out and touched her shoulder halting her heart breaking whines "it's is alright we can swim down and find her, and you can look for for pretty shells" my sister always had such a pure heart.

D'ella seemed to calm down at that and pretty excited to find more shells. I wanted to see her face when she found more so I followed the 2 young girls to the ocean floor.

As we searched for kiri I kept picking up shells I thought she'd like and putting them in a pouch on my hip so I could surprise her later.

When we found her sister she was kneeling on a coral rock guiding fish with her hands. D'ella quickly joined her as they guided the glowing fish together and made shapes. D'ella guided them over to me and Tsireya and rapped them around us.

After playing with the fish we swam over to where we left the others and found them on the shore where aonung and Roxto where teaching them how to sign.

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