Chapter 7: The Calm

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Din steps out from the shaft and returned to the surface of the city, Mako and Leo step out and hurried after him, "Din, wait up!" Mako calls out.

He halts and looks back at the two hurried to his side. "How are you feeling?" Mako asks, Din said nothing and looks away from her. Leo sighs and places his hand on Din's shoulder.

"I know this is hurting you, it probably feels like the end of the world, but I know you will reclaim your Mandalorian right." he assures him.

"And what makes you so sure?" Din questions him, Leo pulls his hand away and sighs. "Because that's why I did it. I was lost for a long time and that saber right there help me find my way back." he states, pointing at the darksaber.

Din flicks his eyes down at the saber, "You will find your way back to you people, Din." Leo promises. Din scuffs as he looks away, "You sound to confident, cocky even." Din informs.

Leo just chuckles, "That's because of a Jedi I knew, he was overly confident, but his heart was always in the right place." he informs. Mako smiles at this. "And who is that?" Din questions.

"He's talking about my little brother." she spoke up, making Din look at him, "Ezra. Ezra Bridger. We grew up together before and after we were orphans. But this Jedi survivor and his crew took us in, made us a family. Taught us how to fight and connect to the Force." she informs.

Din looks over at Leo, who just nods, confirming her story, "What was he like, your brother?" Din asks as he looks back at her. Mako flicks her eyes down and smiles. "Reckless. A jokester some of the time, he as quick to his anger, but he may have gotten that from me. And had this habit of getting himself into trouble and I somehow was always along for the ride." she spoke with a chuckle.

Din just listens to her. "But his heart was always in the right place and he believed in people. Knowing there was always more than what appeared on the surface." she said looking at the Mandalorian.

"What happened to him?" Din asks her again, Mako raises her head and sighs. "He sacrifice himself to stop a dangerous imperial admiral. He saved us and freed our homeplanet." she answers.

Din lowers his head, turning away from her momentarily. "I am... sorry for your loss." he spoke, but she looks at him. "He's not dead, Din. Just lost." she answers. He looks back at her, "How can you be so sure?" he asks again.

She stops, making them stop as well, then pulls her hand to her chest. "I can feel it. The connection we share, we would know if something had happened." she answers.

"Is this something Jedi related?" he asks, she lowers her hand and ponders for a moment, "You could say something like this." he answers and began to walk again. "But all and all, we'll find him, one day." she spoke with confident.

Din nods at her, "I wish you luck." he spoke, Mako looks at him and smiles, "Aside from that, where will you go, Din?" Leo asks him, Din flicks his eyes over at him. "Tatooine, a mechanic there said she found me a replacement for the Razor Crest." he informs them. Leo nods at him. "Do you need a ride?" Mako asks him.

"No. I'll take the portline." he informs as they came to a stop the twp stood before him. "Are you sure, we would happily give you a ride." Leo informs him. But Din held his hand up, "You both have done much for me, I dare not ask for any more." he informs them.

The two shared a look. "I thank you for everything you've done for me. I can handle myself from here." he informs. The two looked back at him. "If you ever need anything..." Mako informs him.

The Mandalorian nods at her, "I know. Thank you again." he spoke, Mako bows to himself as Leo salutes him. "Until we meet again, brother." he spoke and the two turn off and walk, Mako waves back at Din as they left, heading back to their ship.

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