Chapter 12: I am Boba Fett, Daimyo of Tatooine

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The shots repel off the shield as the droid fries back, clipping at the walls of the roof.

Boba pulls back on the chain and the Rancor leaps off the roof with a roar. Landing on the next roof down and lands in the streets with a thud. Boba keeps his balance and glares at the droid that is destroying his city.

The rancor lets out a roar and lunges at the droid swinging its fists into the shield, knocking the droid off balance and sending it flying right off its talons, smacking into the sands.

Sparks were flying as the shields turned into a hue red. Silya brightens up and then looks up at Din, taking grip of his arm. He looks down at her as he can feel her eyes boring into his.

"The shields are weak, use the saber to slip through and take it out," she orders, Din is taken back, but nods at her, he takes hold of her shoulders and moves her next to the door.

"Don't move. Let me handle this," he informs, Silya nods at him as he pulls away, takes out the saber, and ignites the blade. Grogu peeks out as Din sneaks up behind the droid as the Rancor is wreaking havoc on the shields, forcing it closer to the ground.

Din ran up at the shields and began swinging the darksaber at the barrier, allowing himself to slip right through and fly up to the head of the droid, looking up at the roaring rancor that banged its fists.

The claw of the arm slips right in as the rancor pushes more of its weight onto the droid, forcing it closer to the ground. The droid raised the turrets, took aim, and fired at the rancor.

Boba staggers for a moment as the rancor loses balance and stumbles back into the wall, breaking on contact and the two fall back.

Din raises the saber and slices off a turret, this shocks the droid as it staggers back for a moment. Din lost his balance and fell back.

"Din!" Silya calls out as she shoots her hand out, catching Din in mid-air. He staggers a breath, feeling almost weightless in the air for a moment, only to drop with a thud.

Silya exhales as she lowers her arm, then looks at Grogu and sets him on the ground, "Stay here." she orders then walks out onto the streets.

Grogu steps out as he watches the droid turn around and looks down at Din who props himself up. Silya looks at the droid as it raises its sharp talon at him.

Silya shoots her hand out and stops it mid-air, but the hold is a struggle, and a sudden memory attacks her.

Locked inside that shed.

She lost focus, staggering as the talon struck at the beskar, making Din jolt from the impact of the attack. She looks back and then shoots another hand out.

The second attack was stopped, but the droid struggled against the hold, Peli looked out at the Mandalorian as her arm was shaking. Then another memory attack.

The deaths of her clone and Mandalorian brothers, before and after the purge of the Jedi and Mandalore.

Her hand shot to her head as she fell to a knee, as Din crawled back and grunted again as the impact of the attack jolted off the beskar.

Silay shook her head, knowing that the past cannot change, but she was drawn from her thought, feeling a hand touch her leg, she looked down and saw Grogu was looking up at her and holding his stare, thoughts were flowing into her mind.

Thoughts that were not her own, but gave her the sense of what everything means in the end, only she can change, not her past for it held her means of who she becomes. Taking in a deep breath Silya closes her eyes and focuses on her memories of her brothers.

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