Chapter 9: You Moved

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Cobb takes a swig of his drink as Silya twirls the drink in his hand. "So... you're working with a Mandalorian that wants to restore order to Tattoone?" he asks her.

Silya leans back as she ponders for a moment. "More or less. But he is honorable. A survivor and a former bounty hunter, but honorable." she answers. Cobb chuckles for a moment before filling his glass.

"So do you plan on recruiting me to help out with Boba's problem?" he asks her, Silya just arches her brow. "And what if I said yes?" she asks as she lays her chin on her hand, propping herself up as she leans on the table.

He chuckles and leans in close to her, "Then I would say yes, seeing how you're asking me so nicely." he answers, Silya just looks into his eyes.

Seeing he meant it, she turns her head away with a chuckle and pulls back. "Don't worry, I don't plan on recruiting your town in this fight. Though you may get recruited into down the road," she informs.

"The Pyke syndicate is a serious underground group that is not to be undermined lightly, Boba has had to deal with them in the past, even though I have crossed paths with them. You'd be surprised by the type of monsters they can line up in their pockets," she informs.

Cobb nods as he just looks at her, "And how did you work for a man like Boba anyway?" he asks her, Silya chuckles for a moment, "My master, Suri Qin wanted us to come here, I needed... some help in dealing with something, So I found Master Suri and she's been teaching me on how to control my abilities. Staying with Din... something worse could have happened." she answers.

Cobb flicks his eyes at her, "Worse how?" he asks, Silya flicks her eyes down for a moment before she sets her glass down. "What do you know about the Force?" she asks him. Cob flicks his eyes away and shrugs.

"That Jedi used to will it during the Clone Wars," he answers, Silya taps her finger at the rim. "The Force is made of all living things," she states as she slowly pulls her hand away and extends her fingers, making the glass float off the table.

Cobb turns his attention to the glass. "It connects us. Binds us, tethers fate together in ways that not even the wisest of Jedi could understand." the glass turns in the air as the drink inside floats. "Then again, no one could truly understand the wonders and dangers of the Force," she spoke as the glass was gently set down and the drink inside settled.

Cobb flicks his eyes back to her, "What do you mean, dangerous?" Cobb asks her. Silya tilts her head. "There's a reason why Jedi forbade emotional attachments," she states as she grips her helm and removes it.

Revealing her face, she sets her helm on the table and looks at him, revealing her golden eyes. Cobb blinks for a moment, the shock sets in as he stares into her golden eyes.

"For If one drowns in their emotions, losing control, we'll become something... monstrous," she states, he just stares at her. "I'm trying to prevent from turning into a monster. That's why I'm seeking help from a former Jedi. She walks the dark path, but isn't changed by it." she states.

Cobb nods at her, "Wow... that sounds..." he starts but Silya smiles at her. "Crazy, I know. Anything relating to the Force is still a mystery that I don't think anyone can understand," she spoke and took a drink.

"Dear God, I'm sorry you suffered all that," he spoke, she shrugged at him with a small smile. "I was drowning myself, now I plan to swim back to the surface and allow myself to breath. Hopefully, reforge myself" she spoke.

Cobb just smiles at her and raises his glass, "To reforge oneself." he declares, Silya looks at him, smiles, and raises her glass and they both drink. "Hmm." she spoke as she quickly set her glass down, "I also forgot," she spoke then stood to her feet and pulled Cobb to his feet.

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