Chapter 10: Tatooine Fighters vs. the Syndicate

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The gang stood in the ruins of Sanctuary, nothing survived the attack, not even the people. "The Syndicate has crossed a line. These people did nothing wrong, they weren't even going to fight." Silya spoke up.

Mako looks over at her "This is a message, to those who define them." she informs, Boba nods and looks at the ruins. "We are at war," he states.

Fennec just looks over at him, "It was inevitable." she states and he casts a side eye at her, "Even if we win, there might not be anything left of this city." Boba points out as he steps down the steps.

Mako cast her attention to the door as Din and Leo returned from their trip. "That was fast," Fennec spoke up. The others turned and looked at him, "Were you able to hire any foot soldiers?" Fennec asks as Boba steps next to her.

"I think so." he answers and looks over at Boba, "Cobb Vanth is raising a garrison for us," he informs him, Mako flicks her eyes over at Silya, who is silent. "What price did you negotiate?" Fennec asks him.

"Free." Din answers, making Boba blink at him, "Free?" he asks, Din nods at him. "He's been holding off the spice trade single-handedly. I told him we could shut it down," he informs.

"That's not free. That's must of Jubba the Hunt's business." Fennec reminds him, "That was Jubba's business." Mako informs her. "That's what the town wants," Din informs him.

Boba nods at him, "I agree to their terms." he answers, Fennec flicks her eyes over at him. "There's a lot of credits to be made from the orange powder." she reminds him.

Leo steps forward, "Credits or not, that orange powder had ruined more lives than it had filled greedy pykes' pockets." he informs her, she flicks her eyes over at him, "I also agree to these terms. Tatooine has seen enough corruption." he informs.

Boba ponders for a moment then looks over at Fennec, "In the long run, it is better for us as well. Mos Espa can become a prosperous city under our protection. Spice is killing our people. Let Marshal Vanth and the people of Mos Pelgo..." he starts.

"Freetown is its name now," Din spoke up, the others looked at him. "Let the people of Freetown know they have my word," Boba informs him.

"You can tell Cobb Vanth himself when he arrives here with the reinforcements," Din informs him. Boba steps closer to him. "You are confident he will come?" he questions.

Din nods again, "I am." he answers, and Silya turns her head away. "If he does not, we are doomed. Our skill is no match for the Syndicate numbers. We must buy time until they arrive. We'll lockdown at the palace." Boba informs them.

"It's a bad idea." one of the Mods spoke up. Boba and the others turn and look at him, "Is that so?" he asks, and they meet his eye. "It is," he answers again.

"And where do you propose we wait for reinforcements?" Boba asks him. "Here." the Mod answers. Silya looks between the two of them, "Here?" Boba spoke. The Mod nods at him.

"Nonsense. The palace offers greater protection." Boba informs as Fennec and Din nod in agreement. "If you want to abandon Mos Espa and hide in your fortress, go ahead." the leader Mod spoke up.

Boba looks back at her, "We're staying. The people who live here need our protection." she informs him, Mako inhales and steps next to them, "She's right." she speaks up and Boba looks over at her.

"The Syndicate made this first move by destroying this Sanctuary and it will be here, right in front of this Sanctuary they will learn of the consequences of crossing such lines," she informs him.

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