Chapter no.11 Injustice?

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Naruto woke up to the familiar chime of a system notification:

[ You have slept in your bed. HP & CP are fully restored. ]

His eyes snapped open, and a wide smile spread across his face.

The ongoing notifications confirmed that this extraordinary experience wasn't just a dream.

"Yes!" he shouted, jumping to his feet in excitement.

"Shut up!" came the irritated shouts from neighboring apartments.

Unfazed, Naruto turned his attention to the changes he had undergone after clearing the dungeon:

[ Substitution Jutsu - Level: 2 ]

[ Transformation Jutsu - Level: 3 ]

[ Kunai Bukijutsu - Level: 4 ]

[ Shuriken Bukijutsu - Level: 4 ]

[ Class Feature: Scroll Arts - Level: 2 ]

[ Class Feature: Fuinjutsu - Level: 3 ]

Naruto grinned, feeling a surge of satisfaction. In just a day, he had improved more than he ever thought possible.

But the thought that his teachers might have been deliberately sabotaging him weighed heavily on his mind.

He knew Fujino was struggling with her own issues, but the idea that everyone else might be involved too seemed off—like there was a bigger piece of the puzzle missing.

"Should I ask Jiji to help?" Naruto wondered aloud, then shrugged dismissively.

The Third Hokage, his beloved Jiji, was often too swamped to make daily visits.

His visits were sporadic—sometimes weekly, sometimes only once a month.

Naruto cherished those moments at the Sarutobi clan house or when Jiji stopped by his place.

But could he really burden him with this?

"It’s Gramps's job to help, right?" he pondered as he went about preparing his breakfast. Naruto decided on his favorite combo: cup ramen and cereal. Not everyone's choice, sure, but he loved it.

[ Alert: World Quest ]

[ Quest Title: Don't Be Late ]

[ Objective: Arrive at the Academy on time. Time limit: 10 minutes. ]

[ Rewards: 10 Experience Points. Enhanced reputation with Class. ]

[ Penalty for Failure: Decrease in reputation with Class. ]

[ Action Required: Acceptance or Declination of Quest ]

"It’s a reusable quest?!"


[ Quest: Don't Be Late ]

[ Status: Successfully Completed ]

[ Rewards Granted: 10 Experience Points, +5 Reputation with Classroom. ]

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