Chapter no.50 A Blacksmith's Copper

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Naruto wasn't one to call himself a genius—okay, maybe he admitted to being a bit slow on the uptake now and then—but he wasn't blind to the smell of something fishy, especially when it came from Mizuki. So, when Mizuki pitched the idea of an "extra credit exam" that conveniently involved stealing the Forbidden Scroll of Seals, Naruto's suspicion meter went off the charts.

He pondered his options. On one hand, he could march up to the Hokage's office and sing like a canary about Mizuki's plan, effectively landing Mizuki in ninja jail. On the other hand, the allure of gaining new jutsu was like being offered an all-you-can-eat ramen buffet. Naruto, true to form, chose the buffet.

But first, the Skill Stone Rune.

Naruto held the rune.

"Please something powerful, please," he muttered under his breath, his eyes squeezed shut as if he were making a birthday wish rather than activating a magical item.

[ Item Use Notification: Skill Rune Stone ]
[ Status: Used ]
[ Acquired Skill: Earth Style: Diamond Skin ]

[ Skill: Earth Style: Diamond Skin ]
[ Level: 1 (Active) ]
[ Chakra Points (CP) Required: 100 per inch ]
[ Description: A B rank jutsu that coats the user's body in earth chakra, manipulating it into a diamond lattice to create a diamond coating for one minute. ]

[ Passive Enhancements: ]

- [ Earth Affinity: Affinity to the earth element ]

[ Active Effects: ]

- [ Durability: Applies the durability of diamond to the coated area. Note: Mobility of the coated area is restricted. ]

[ Warning: Use on mobile parts causes stiffness, preventing movement. To remove the immobilization debuff, increase the skill level. ]

Naruto didn't waste a second before trying out his newly acquired Earth Style: Diamond Skin jutsu. With a mischievous sparkle in his eyes, he focused his chakra, aiming to turn just his hand into a diamond.

"This is going to be awesome."

As the earth chakra enveloped his hand, transforming it into a shimmering, diamond-coated masterpiece, Naruto's grin widened.

"Look at that! I'm like a ninja treasure chest!" he exclaimed, admiring the gleam. However, his excitement was short-lived. When he tried to move his diamond-clad hand, it wouldn't budge.

Naruto's initial reaction was to panic slightly, then, he decided to test its durability by whacking it against various objects around his home.

The hand withstood everything, from the wooden table to the metal lamp post outside his window.

"Ha! I'm invincible!" he shouted triumphantly, though he quickly realized he couldn't actually feel his hand.

"Well, technically, it's more like I don't have a hand right now..."

After a moment of contemplation, Naruto mused aloud, "This jutsu's great and all, but if I turn into a diamond statue, I'm just a really sparkly sitting duck in combat. Not exactly the most practical move, is it?"

Waiting for the jutsu's effect to wear off, Naruto had a lightbulb moment.

"Wait a minute," he said, his eyes landing on a rubber chicken he'd previously used for pranks.

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