Chapter no.34 Hacks

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[ Alert: World Quest ]

[ Quest Title: E rank Mission ]

[ Objective: Repair the vandalism in the public bathroom to ensure safety and hygiene for the community. Use any necessary means to clean, repair, and restore the facility to its original condition. ]

[ Rewards: 100 Experience Points, 500 Ryo, Mission Completion Stamp ( Awarded upon successful restoration of the public bathroom) ]

[ Penalty for Failure: Failed E rank mission, -100 Reputation with Tenten. ]

[ Action Required: Acceptance or Declination of Quest ]

Naruto stood before the public bathroom, his expression far from amused.

To call it a bathroom was a stretch-more like a disaster area that had once seen better days.

The walls were covered in graffiti, ranging from nonsensical doodles to rude remarks. The mirrors were cracked, and the smell... well, let's just say it would be kinder not to describe it. It was such an unwelcome assault on the senses that had Naruto wishing for a jutsu to clear his nostrils.

It was clear this place had seen more vandalism than cleaning in its time.

"Okay then, Genin, I'm sure you can clean up that damn fox demon's mess," the mission giver had said, with a dismissive wave of his hand.

The comment hit Naruto harder than expected.

He knew civilians used that nickname for him, mistakenly attributing his whisker marks to some fox-like nature.

Naruto could hardly believe the absurd reasons people found to blame him for things completely out of his control. First, there was his association with the Uzumaki clan, then the sabotage from teachers because he was born on October 10th, and now even his birthmarks were a target for disdain.

It all seemed so ridiculous.

"Is there anything they hate me for that I actually chose?" he wondered silently, the frustration evident in his sigh. It felt like no matter what he did, he was always seen in a negative light for reasons beyond his choice or control.

I don't do vandalism, I only do pranks. Naruto corrected the man in his mind, already plotting a harmless but fitting revenge prank for the man who dared to tarnish his reputation.

With a heavy sigh, Naruto decided to focus on the task at hand.

"Let's just get this over with," he muttered, rolling up his sleeves.


As Hinata stepped into Naruto's home, she found Tenten knee-deep in what looked like a construction site, right in the middle of the living room.

Tools were scattered everywhere, and the air was filled with the distinct scent of effort and wood shavings.

Tenten was in the process of wrestling with the bathroom door, a new one leaning against the wall, waiting to take its place.

"Oh, Hinata, you done with the mission?" Tenten asked without looking up, her focus on prying the old door off its hinges.

"Y-yeah," Hinata managed, her voice barely above a whisper.

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