Chapter no.123 Buffalo-san

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If Naruto was not seeing it with his own eyes and holding it with his own hands, he would not have believed it. Sure, he had been teased good-naturedly by Dog and Owl about it and Owl had done him an awful scare but in his mind, it had been just that: teasing. But here it was; still formless, still blank, save for one large mark across the left eye painted in the rich blood red of the third company.

The mask of an initiate. His mask. The proof he had done well. The acknowledgment of his efforts.
"It's going to be an even greater pain in the ass for you, now that we'll go on real missions." Tiger had warned him. The man had tried to dampen the blond's enthusiasm, he had attempted to limit the unbridled joy mounting in the boy's chest.

Naruto did not even feel the smile that split his face and shone like a second sun. He did not care for Tiger's warnings. He knew his formation was not complete and, truthfully, would it ever be? The Sandaime was called the Professor not because he knew everything but because even at past sixty years old, he kept learning. The blond was impatient to tackle new things even if he had a cheat that others wished they had. He felt his foundations were stronger than they ever had been and he was ready to build upon them even further especially with the help of the system.

The blue-eyed boy sighed contentedly and rolled back on the narrow bed he was occupying for six weeks now. He would be here for a bit more time. Just a bit more time and then he would join the family, he would enter ANBU. Naruto trained his eyes on his clock and read quarter-to-midnight. It was high time to sleep. Initiate or not, he would still wake up at four in the morning tomorrow to run the Warmer. That would not change in a long time, or so Tiger had informed him.

Naruto brought his legs, still dangling from the side of his bed, back on the mattress and put his cover on his feet. It was light and it was always relatively warm inside the underground compound. With a wide, jaw-unhinging yawn, the boy closed his eyes and fell asleep almost immediately.

The boy was startled awake seconds before his steadfast alarm rung in his ears. With a practiced motion, Naruto cut off the blaring sound and fiddled with the mechanism to reset the clock before he suspended his action. If he was going on a mission, he would not need it. The blond thought for a second as he scratched the sleep out of his blue eyes; he would need to get used to setting his alarm up before sleeping.

His resolution made, the boy stood up and trotted to his bathroom for his morning grooming. To say that a month and a half before, he was plagued with the bad habit of oversleeping. ANBU had trained things in but it had also beaten things out. Naruto had never slept so little yet he had never felt so good. After a short shower, the blond put on his new mask and darted to a strangely deserted mess.

"Hello, Buffalo-san."

"Hey Blondie. All good?"

The teen beamed a smile no one would ever see and gave the ANBU behind the counter a thumb up while his other hand was pointing at the red mark of his mask.

"Hell yeah!" Naruto answered excitedly, his voice cracking slightly from the enthusiasm.

The buffalo-masked ANBU huffed in a strange staccato, something Naruto had come to learn was the man's way of laughing. "Congrats, Initiate. Make the corps proud."

"Thanks, Buffalo-san, I'll do my bestest, 'ttebayo." Naruto grinned as he took the tray given by the man. "How is it going for you today?"

"Pretty slow day kid. We have a lot of people away."

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