Chapter no.57 Anger

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Naruto was so frustrated, he was seconds away from headbutting the nearest wall. "Sign here," Dragon commanded, and Naruto begrudgingly began scribbling on the ANBU paperwork.

He couldn't help but wonder, "Why in the world does a group as secretive as the ANBU even need paperwork? Are they planning to file it in a ninja binder somewhere?"

"Formalities for the Hokage," Dragon replied, almost as if he had plucked the question straight from Naruto's brain.

Naruto shot a look towards the Hokage, who offered him nothing but a sheepish smile in return.

Naruto's glare intensified, silently asking, "Really? This is what we're doing now?"

"Sign here," Dragon repeated, snapping Naruto back to the task at hand.

Naruto couldn't shake off the feeling that this whole paperwork ordeal was some sort of bizarre punishment.

An hour later, Naruto's hand felt like it was about to fall off.

He could barely lift it as Dragon vanished into the shadows with the stealth of a ninja cat, leaving Naruto and Hiruzen alone. Naruto glanced at his aching hand, then at Hiruzen, and couldn't help but wonder if all ANBU recruits were initiated through the dreaded trials of bureaucracy.

Naruto looked at Hiruzen and said, "I am angry at you, not the Hokage, but my grandfather."

Hiruzen could only hang his head in shame. Naruto's anger was rightfully so.

The Hokage could order the blond, now one of his ninja, to shut up, he could say he did not have to justify his decisions, he could throw a tantrum unbefitting of his age.

But all that would finish to alienate the boy and for reasons both personal and political, he could absolutely not afford that.

Dragon was right.

Hiruzen had to face his mistakes and assume them, as disagreeable as it was.

The Hokage looked up to see Naruto in a posture eerily reminiscent of his mother. His arms were crossed on his chest and his weight was on his left foot, while the right one was impatiently tapping the floor. But it was the piercing blue eyes that made Hiruzen felt like a child who was being scolded.


Hiruzen sagged in his chair.

"I have no excuse."

"Urg, of course you don't, 'ttebayo!" Naruto said, throwing his hands in the air and pacing around his chair, intent on digging a trench on the wooden floor.

"I am sorry," muttered the Kage.

"So very sorry. I don't know how to apologize but if there is a way, I'd like to."

Naruto stopped pacing, stared hard at the defeated old man sitting in a heap in his chair, threw his arms in the air again and exclaimed "Urg, of course you are!" before resuming his pacing.

The blond kept at it for five full minutes, arms flailing wildly and randomly and muttering what was probably curse words under his breath.

Hiruzen could swear smoke was coming out of the boy's ears.

One or two times, the boy allowed himself to furiously kick the bookshelf, hard enough to make it tremble.

When angry, magmatic chakra started to roll off the boy in waves in a dark, stormy aura, Hiruzen started to sweat, wondering if he was going to have to put the boy under.

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