Chapter no.19 Chakra control

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Chakra control, a fundamental skill for any shinobi, was emphasized heavily in the Academy.

The method they used to teach this vital skill was deceptively simple yet frustratingly difficult for many students.

The exercise involved taking a dry leaf and sticking it to one's body using chakra. The students were then expected to perform various tasks, ranging from meditation to physical activities like running, all while keeping the leaf attached solely through the use of their chakra.

For Naruto, this exercise was nothing short of a nightmare.

He always found himself at odds with it, the leaf seeming to have a personal vendetta against him. No matter how hard he tried, the leaf simply refused to adhere to his skin. It was as if his chakra, abundant and unruly, repelled the leaf instead of attracting it.


[ Quest Title: Mastery of Chakra Control ]

[ Objective: Perform the Leaf Chakra Control Exercise. This exercise involves focusing chakra to the soles of your feet to stick a leaf to them without using your hands. Demonstrating mastery in this will be crucial to your development as a shinobi. ]

[ Rewards: ]

  - [ New Skill Unlocked: Chakra Control ]

  - [ Experience Points (Exp): 200 ]

[ Penalty for Failure: Incomplete mastery of Chakra Control, hindering progress in advanced jutsu techniques. ]

"Mastery of Chakra Control, huh? Easy peasy... or not," he mumbled to himself, picking up a dry leaf from the floor of his sparse apartment.

The task was simple, yet for Naruto, it was as challenging as climbing a mountain barefoot. He had to stick the leaf to the sole of his foot using only his chakra. No hands, no tricks. Just pure chakra control.

"Alright, Leafy, you and me, we're gonna be best friends," Naruto declared, trying to infuse humor into his situation. He placed the leaf on the floor, stepped on it, and focused all his attention on channeling chakra to his foot. For a moment, the leaf wavered, as if considering whether to comply or defy. Then, almost mockingly, it fluttered away as Naruto lifted his foot.

"Traitor!" Naruto accused the leaf, his voice echoing off the bare walls. "I thought we had something special!"

Naruto paused and walked over to the drawer to grab a marker.

With a grin, he drew a face on the leaf. "Good, now it won't feel weird," he murmured to himself, amused by his own creativity.

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