Chapter no.47 Suspicious Behaviour

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Hanabi Hyuga, the younger daughter of the Hyuuga Clan's head, grew up in a world where power and status ruled.

The Hyuuga, a noble clan in the Hidden Leaf Village, were known for their strength and large numbers.

Leadership within the clan was determined by a strict hierarchy, enforced by the caged bird seal that marked the branch family members, ensuring the main family remained in power.

The clan head, the most powerful Hyuuga, automatically passed their position to their firstborn, who was usually the strongest in their generation.

Any other children were initially kept as backups for the heir and later marked as branch members if they weren't chosen. This system was ingrained in every Hyuuga child, teaching them that only the strongest deserved to lead.

But Hanabi was different.

Unlike others who were obsessed over power and status, she cherished her relationship with her older sister, Hinata.

Hanabi knew well that Hinata, the clan heiress, had burdensome duties, which often kept them apart.

Yet, Hanabi understood and never resented her sister's responsibilities.

What truly puzzled her was Hinata's fascination with Naruto Uzumaki, a boy seen as a social outcast by many.

Hanabi often noticed Hinata sneaking out to watch Naruto from afar.

She couldn't fathom what her sister saw in him.

But lately, something changed. Hinata seemed genuinely happy, and it was all because of Naruto.

Hanabi saw her preparing meals for him, spending more time with him.

Today, with some free time on her hands, Hanabi decided to find out what was happening between her sister and Naruto. What was it about this boy that had brought such a change in Hinata?

Hanabi's thoughts raced as she moved stealthily through the village.

What's so special about Naruto Uzumaki?Hinata has always been gentle and kind, but now there's a new light in her eyes.

Is it really because of him? I need to see this for myself.

Hanabi Hyuga, hidden at a street corner, watched her sister Hinata enter a dingy apartment.

Disgust filled her as she thought, "How dare he bring my sister to such a pathetic place?"

"Nothing but trash," she muttered, her tongue clicking in annoyance.

As Hinabi observed, another girl, older than Hinata, approached Naruto's door.

The boy's cheerful greeting and hug to the newcomer sent a surge of anger through Hanabi.

"How dare he treat my sister the same as some random girl?" she fumed.

Driven by suspicion, Hanabi activated her Byakugan, the clan's unique ability, to see inside the apartment.

But her attention was briefly diverted by a bug with a noticeable chakra signature. "Why does that bug have chakra?" she wondered, but soon shrugged it off, refocusing on her mission.

Peering inside with her Byakugan, Hanabi tried to make sense of the scene.

The room was overshadowed by Naruto's enormous chakra pool, making it hard to see clearly.

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