Chapter no.45 The End is Nigh

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Yamanaka Ino knew that the end was near.

It was one thing, to have challenged Uchiha Sasuke to a spar, and it was another thing, to realize that Sasuke had not shown up for said spar.

The people at the Academy had spun it in as many different ways as they could, in as many different stories or tales as their imaginations, primitive, wild or vivid could go.

Some had assumed that it simply meant Sasuke did not consider Ino worth his time, and as such, had dismissed the challenge. Others had claimed, that Ino was actually going to use her Yamanaka abilities to mind rape the Uchiha into blissful oblivion, and as such, he was wise to avoid the fight.

Some even went as far as to believe that Sasuke was afraid of her, because she was his mistress or something completely ridiculous.

And just like that, she was immediately the most popular girl in school.

"This. Is. Torture."

She groaned as she made her way to the academy, unable to not notice the stares, the whispers, the pointing fingers and hushed conversations.

"It's not that bad Ino."

Thankfully, she had at her sides, the only two boys she could call her friends at the moment.

To her left, Shikamaru walked, his eyes were like that of a tranquilized giraffe, staring vacantly at the path ahead without much care or attention to the rumor mill.

Truly, Ino felt that the boy's level of apathy was slowly transcending mortal limits.

In contrast, to her right, Choji was animatedly eating a bag of potato chips, and though he seemed quite as normal as usual, Ino could tell he was nervous.

He bit at the chips three times before swallowing them, whereas she knew he could simply toss one into his mouth, and often did simply toss one into his mouth, chewing twice to savor the flavor before swallowing.

She rubbed at her temples, not sure if she should be proud or creeped out at the fact that she had memorized her friend's eating habits enough to ascertain when something was wrong.

"I mean - all the girls look at you as though you're some sort of messiah now."

She let out another painstaking groan. Unfortunately, the consensus as to why Sasuke had not shown up had rang in favor of the theory that he was afraid of her.

Now, there were tales going up as to how she was the second coming of Tsunade Senju - possessing a frightening fighting prowess that even the Last Uchiha, a certified prodigy in his own right, was terrified of going against.

"It'll blow over soon enough." Shikamaru had said in his usual lazy drawl.

"These things usually do."

It was true, in a sense.

All she had to do was not add fire to any of the slowly increasing, utterly ridiculous flames that were the rumor mill, and soon enough, they'd see, and they'd come to realize, that there was absolutely no truth to any of it.

The only, small benefit, was that the Uchiha Sasuke fanclub had actually... died.

Ino herself could not explain how that worked.

The majority of the girls who were usually chanting and celebrating about Sasuke had become incredibly subdued.

The Ino-Shika-Cho trio took up their sitting positions as usual in the class, with Shikamaru's immediate impression of a drunken sloth, Choji's impression of an eager foodie, and Ino's... well, Ino.

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