Chapter no.17 Items

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[ Gold Shop ]

In the bustling gold shop of Konoha, Epstein, a man from Redaku in the west, found himself a long way from home.

He had left his homeland to escape the oppressive corruption and exorbitant taxes levied by the royal family.

Seeking a fresh start, he opened his shop in this less tumultuous village, where the air was free of the heavy scent of greed that pervaded Redaku.

As the door to his shop swung open, Epstein caught his breath at the sight of the woman who entered. She was striking, with long blonde hair that cascaded down her shoulders and a figure that seemed sculpted for elegance—uncommon in the western section of Konoha, especially since this area was the red light district.

She wore a dress that whispered of nobility; its fine fabric and stylish cut were far from the local fashion.

"Great, I've hit the jackpot," Epstein thought, a smile playing on his lips as he anticipated a profitable interaction.

The woman approached the counter gracefully and placed what appeared to be a gold-plated rat's tooth on the surface. Epstein blinked a few times, taken aback by the unusual item, then turned his attention to the woman, who began to communicate through hand signs.

"10k?" she signed, her hands moving with fluid precision.

Epstein raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Madam," he began, his voice steady despite the allure of potential wealth before him, "I’ve been in this business long enough to know the value of gold. And while the tooth is certainly unique, I can't justify your asking price."

The woman leaned in closer, giving Epstein a good look at her figure. He blinked, thinking he saw a distortion for a moment, but as he took in her appearance, he dismissed it with a gulp. "Must be my mind playing tricks," he thought.

"But consider the rarity, Mr. Epstein. This isn't just any gold tooth; it's a piece of history, a treasure."

Chuckling slightly, Epstein responded, "History, you say? Well, history doesn't pay the bills, my dear. I can go as high as 5,000 Ryo, but that's my final offer."

The woman pouted playfully, her hands expressing her displeasure as fluidly as if she were speaking.

"Oh, Mr. Epstein, you drive a hard bargain," she signed, her eyes smiling.

"But what about 9000 Ryo? For such a unique piece, it's a steal!"

"A steal, you say? More like highway robbery!" Epstein laughed, thoroughly enjoying the banter despite himself. "But I admire your persistence. Let's meet in the middle – 7,500 Ryo."

She tapped her finger to her lips, a theatrical gesture of contemplation, before signing her agreement. "Alright, Mr. Epstein, you've convinced me. 7,500 Ryo it is. But you're breaking my heart here," she signed with a playful wink.

As they finalized the transaction, Epstein watched her gracefully exit his shop, the gold tooth sold for a handsome sum.

But as the door closed behind her, there was a sudden puff of smoke, and in her place stood Naruto, grinning cheekily with the money in hand.

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