[01] Starting From Scratch

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You didn't know what had happened to you, but you needed to get to the bottom of things-one way or another.

["Where are you going?"]

"To the police," you gritted out. "I should have done this in the first place. Even though I've lost my memories, surely someone will be able to help me. Or at the very least, they can admit me to a hospital so that I can be examined by a doctor. You claim I have no family, but there must still be some sort of documentation for them to go off. I'm confused, and really scared, and I don't know what the hell you're on about, making people fall in love with me or whatever. I thought you could help me, but it doesn't seem like you're willing."

["You shouldn't do that."]

"No offense, but I'm done listening to you. All you've done is made me more confused. I need someone who will actually help."

You didn't know where exactly the nearest police station was, but you figured you could find your way by asking around.

Except you apparently weren't permitted even that much.


Your head was hurting again, except easily ten times worse than before. It was so bad that you ended up crumpling to the ground in a fetal position, pressing your hands against the sides of your head and biting back tears.

The system clearly wasn't happy.

["I said no. That isn't a solution. You don't seem to understand. Nobody knows who you are. It was enough of a hassle to forge documentation and find you a place to live. What do you think will happen if the police start looking into you? It'll just lead to a needless investigation; one that will no doubt complicate your life and make you miserable. The best thing you can do is lay low and do your tasks. You're not from this place originally. You're going to have to forge your own path. The only way your memories will reappear is by doing as you're told. No one else can do this for you."]

Fucking hell. You gritted your teeth and wiped at your damp eyes. This system really was a major pain in your ass. It expected you to do their bidding without even questioning anything. How could they even be sure that your memories would come back if you completed these so-called tasks? If anything, they were probably using your amnesia to their advantage. There was no guarantee that your memories would return even if you went along with their demands.

"Please let me go," you begged. "All I want is to remember. That's all. I don't want to be your puppet and make people fall for me or whatever else. Is that too much to ask?"

There was a lengthy pause, and when you heard the next ping, the edges of the projection seemed to have turned a reddish color. The color of anger.

["You're being difficult. Fine, then. I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice. I think you'll benefit from a bit of time to clear your head and think things through."]

Your face turned pale. "What? What does that mean? Hey! What are you trying to say-"

Once again, your world was plunged into darkness.


You couldn't tell if it had been minutes, hours, or days. When faced with a vast expense of nothing, your sense of time was understandably warped.

Just like before, you couldn't move a muscle. All you could do was talk, and for a while you did exactly that-cried out into the darkness begging to be released, begging for the system to let you out. But you didn't receive a response. They were deliberately ignoring you, and you guessed that placing you back here was meant to be some sort of punishment.

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