[05] Deja Vu

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No matter how often you found yourself here, it still didn't make the fear any less intense.

As always, it was pitch-black as far as you could see. Your first instinct was to scream out and beg to be released, but unsurprisingly, the system didn't grace you with a response. Panic rushed through your veins. You had no idea how long they intended to keep you here. You couldn't even begin to fathom how long your suffering would go on for, and if that wasn't horrible enough, you would be unable to move for the whole duration of it.

Wait. Actually... you could move.

This had never happened before. When you took a few cautious steps, you found that you were able to move just fine, like in the real world. Hesitantly, you patted the sides of your face and various parts of your body. You could feel things. Something was different. But why?

Suddenly, you remembered the last message the system had sent you.

["Don't worry. I've planned something more interesting this time."]

You hadn't the slightest clue what they meant by that, but if the past was any indication, it couldn't be good news.

That being said, you could actually move this time, so instead of sitting still and lamenting your fate, you decided to try and look for a way out.

"Hello?" you called. It was probably pointless to wait for an answer. Not like there was anyone else in here but you. Still, you were choosing to believe that the system wasn't all-powerful. If you made enough of an effort, perhaps you could find its weak spot. Perhaps you could break free of the iron-clad grip it had on your life.

You walked and walked, for several minutes without stopping. Unfortunately, the longer you searched, the less hopeful you felt. It was way too dark and disorienting. You could have been going in circles for all you knew.

"This isn't fair," you whimpered. "Please let me out of here. I'll fix things with Katsuki. I-I'm not sure how, but I promise I will."

They still weren't responding to you. Even though you'd known from a while ago that they were far from being your ally, you were slowly coming to the realization that they truly were rotten to the core.

Right as you were about to crumple to your knees and start crying, it happened.

You saw him.

From the distance, you couldn't even really tell that it was a man at first. You just barely saw the outline of his silhouette, light surrounding his body in place of the darkness all around. There was a person in here. You weren't all alone. Someone might actually be able to help!

"Wait!" you cried out, breaking into a run. He was walking away from you, and you struggled to keep up lest you lose him altogether. "P-Please stop! I need your help! I need to get out of here!"

He finally turned towards the sound of your voice, stopping in his tracks. His pause allowed you to catch up, and now that you were closer, you could finally get a good look at him.

You couldn't tell his exact age, but he was definitely older than you. A young adult, perhaps? He had dark brown hair that was short-cropped and showed off his beautiful golden eyes. They were piercing and bright, with long lower lashes that made them stand out that much more. You got the sense that he was probably quite handsome, but unfortunately, the mask he wore prevented you from seeing his full face. It was red with gold detailing, styled in the likeness of what plague doctors used to wear.

And once again, you were faced with that nagging sense of familiarity. The sense that this wasn't the first time you'd laid eyes on him.

Not that his appearance really mattered. What mattered was that he was in here with you, and thus, your only means of escape.

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