[10] Tenderness

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[Bakugou Katsuki is thinking about his kiss with you.]

[+20 love points.]

[-10 love points.]

[+10 love points.]

[Current progress: 0/100]

Not this shit again.

You stared at your reflection with weary eyes, a toothbrush poking out from between your lips. You spat into the sink, rinsed your mouth out, then patted your cheeks to try and jolt yourself awake. You were still in the middle of your morning preparations, so you weren't exactly in the mood to deal with Katsuki's conflicting thoughts.

At least you were finally back to square one. Your points had long since dropped into the negatives with him. Quite frankly, you weren't sure if you'd ever manage to dig your way out of that hole. Perhaps it was actually for the best that you'd ended up kissing him-even if it was by accident-because that kiss was singlehandedly saving your ass right now.

["You're doing great. I bet he'll fall for you in no time."]

"Uh-huh," you muttered, clearly unconvinced. Just because he was a bit flustered over the kiss didn't mean that he liked you all of a sudden. You were pretty sure that he hated you, actually. You didn't really know how you were supposed to win Katsuki over while also being friends with Izuku, but you decided it was better not to fixate on the details.

You would just have to keep on being a nice and charming person. That was the kind of person you'd always been, even before you'd lost your memories.

Well, hopefully, at least.

"[Name], hey! Good morning!"

Izuku was there to greet you when you got to class. Seeing his smile was a good distraction, especially since you couldn't seem to get that Shigaraki guy out of your head. You really didn't understand why he was marked as an enemy, but you got the sense that it didn't bode well.

"Izuku," you smiled back. "Good morning-"

"Get out my way, dumbass."

You were abruptly shoved, hard enough that you ended up smashing your hip against one of the tables. The pain made your bones rattle, and you barely managed to keep from crying out, small tears welling up in your eyes.

To no one's surprise, Katsuki was the one who'd shoved you.

"K-Kacchan!" Izuku stammered out in horror. "You... you shouldn't do that! [Name] looks like she's in a lot of pain!"

He proceeded to fuss over you and ask if you were okay. You wiped your eyes as quickly as possible, not wanting to come across as too dramatic. It definitely did hurt, but compared to the pain you'd felt back when you'd been trapped in the void-the pain of having one of your limbs blown apart-this much was nothing.

Katsuki was glaring at you. "What, she's really going to whine over something like that? I barely even touched her."

You winced a bit and gently patted your throbbing hip. A nasty bruise was probably going to form later on, but whatever. You were finally making a bit of progress with Katsuki. Lashing out at him now wouldn't do you any favors.

"I'm fine," you reassured, smiling weakly for good measure. "And, um... good morning, Katsuki. I hope your day is going well so far."

He gave you a wide-eyed look, clearly taken aback by your reaction. You noticed that his gaze eventually drifted down a bit, and all of a sudden, he was blushing.

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