[13] Fearful Encounter

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"So, [Name]," Mitsuki smiled. "You were saying that you just recently moved to the area and started attending the same school as Katsuki. How are you liking it so far?"

You made sure to swallow the food in your mouth, then nodded. "It's been good. I mean, I guess I'm still pretty new to everything, but I've been liking it so far. The people are... nice. Yeah."

Naturally, you were lying. About pretty much all of it. Most of your classmates were actually major assholes, given how horribly they treated Izuku. Not only that, but your dickhead of a teacher seemed to have it out for you, which made things a hell of a lot more tedious. Katsuki himself had bullied you on more than one occasion, but you felt it was best to keep from mentioning that to his parents and getting him in trouble.

So, yeah. Your school life definitely wasn't perfect, but you were trying to make the most of it.

"I'm glad to hear it," she hummed, briefly shooting her son a glance. "Katsuki. I hope you've been welcoming towards [Name]. It isn't easy transferring in late and not having any friends. If you were in her position, I'm sure you'd appreciate someone looking out for you, so make sure to do the same for her, alright?"

Katsuki took a heaping spoonful of curry, grimacing all the while. "I don't need anyone to look out for me. I sure as hell wouldn't want some extra's help. I'd kick their ass if they even tried."

"You're still talking like that? When are you going to stop being so fucking stupid?!"

"Quit yelling at me in the middle of dinner, woman!"

"I'm so sorry," Masaru sighed, shaking his head while the two argued in the background. "They're always like this. I really wish we could have made a better impression. You must be shocked to see what things are like around here."

You beamed. "No, it's okay. It's pretty lively, actually. I don't mind it. Even if their words can be a bit brash at times, I can still tell they really care about each other."

I actually wish I could bicker with my family like this. It'd be better than not knowing anything about them.

"Thank you for being so understanding," Masaru smiled back. "You seem like a very nice person. I hope Katsuki doesn't scare you away. He used to have a friend like you, back when he was younger. A rather shy boy, but incredibly kind to everyone around him."

You pieced together right away that he was referring to Izuku, but unfortunately, so did Katsuki.

"Shut it, shitty old man," he grimaced. "This conversation ends right here."

Masaru nodded hurriedly, looking quite a bit dejected as he did. You weren't sure exactly how much his parents knew about Izuku and why their friendship had fallen through. Maybe they simply thought they had drifted apart from each other over time? Or maybe they already knew about how Katsuki had actually been bullying the freckled boy ever since. Either way, this wasn't your family, so it wasn't your business to burden them with the truth.

For a little while, the atmosphere was noticeably more tense, so you did your best to steer clear of that particular topic.

"This curry is super good," you enthused. "Would you mind sharing the recipe with me?"

Mitsuki chuckled. "Of course, sweetheart. I'd love to. Will you cook it on your own, or make it with your parents?"

"Um... I'll try it on my own first. I'll wait until I've got the hang of it before letting my parents have a taste," you said, awkwardly scratching your cheek.

You must not have sounded very convincing, because Katsuki gave you a funny look just then. Thankfully, he didn't try and press the issue.

"Oh," Mitsuki realized. "You'll have to modify the recipe a bit, though. Katsuki loves spicy food, so when it's just the three of us, I use the full spice amount as outlined in the recipe. But since I wasn't sure how good your tolerance was, I toned it down quite a bit. I suppose you'll have to fiddle around with it to try and find out what suits your palate best."

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