[15] Overexertion

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["Today's the day. Make sure to stay calm and remember all your training. You'll do just fine."]

Even though the system was being somewhat encouraging for a change, you knew better than to trust in their words. They had already made it abundantly clear that you needed to get into U.A and become a hero. You feared to imagine what they would do if you failed this entrance exam.

And so, for obvious reasons, you were a nervous wreck.

"I-It's okay, [Name]," Izuku tried to encourage, despite the fact that his teeth were chattering, and he was probably even more nervous than you. "We made it here, and we're going to do everything it takes to get in? R-Right?"

You appreciated his efforts to cheer you up. It didn't look like your nerves were going to disappear anytime soon, but you knew you had to at least try. You'd decided a while back to stop always imagining the worst-case scenario and focus on what you could do in the moment. Whether or not you actually passed U.A's entrance exam, you'd be damned if you didn't give it your all.

"Yeah," you smiled. "You're right. I'm pretty nervous, but... there's no point in giving up before I even start. Having you here helps a lot. I'm really glad we're doing this together."

Izuku blushed, but before he could say anything, he was abruptly shoved aside.

"Don't stand in my way, asshole," Katsuki spat. "Do you want me to kill you, or what?"

He was in a shitty mood like always, it seemed. His crimson eyes flickered in your direction just briefly before narrowing even further, and then he walked right past the both of you, even while Izuku tried to string together a polite greeting.

You didn't try to call out to him, because you felt it was probably best to avoid stirring up any conflict on such an important day. Instead, you just pursed your lips and watched as he angrily stomped along, hands buried in his pockets. A few other applicants seemed to recognize him from the slime villain incident and were whispering amongst themselves, but they quickly quieted down once Katsuki shot them a few nasty glares.

Hm. I'm positive I got a system update telling me he saved my number the day I was at his house, but he hasn't ever texted or called me.

Perhaps his petty pride prevented him from doing so, since it was essentially an admission that he planned on contacting you at some point-despite claiming to be so opposed to it. Oh, well. You weren't sure how long it would take to get him to open up to you, but you were willing to wait. The small bit of progress you'd already made was still downright miraculous.

"Kacchan seems to be his usual self," Izuku chuckled weakly. He scratched his head, looking quite sheepish. "I'm so used to cowering before him... I can't help but feel pretty lame about it."

"It's not lame at all," you reassured. "Katsuki can definitely be a bully at times. At least he's kept his distance over the past few months. For the most part, at least. Maybe we'll finally get to see him mature. That'd be nice."

"It would be nice, but I'm not sure how realistic it is," Izuku sighed.

You patted him on the back. "Let's forget about that for now. Come on. We've got to find out about how the exam works first. Time to head over to the auditorium."

It just so happened that getting rid of Katsuki wasn't that easy. Seats were sorted based on middle schools, and since the three of you were the only applicants from your school, you and Izuku ended up sitting right next to him.

"Just my fucking luck," Katsuki grimaced, turning away from you.


[Bakugou Katsuki is pissed off.]

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