[04] Progressing Backwards

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The first thing you did once you got home from the mall was set your phone up and add your two new contacts.

You had to admit that you were pretty excited about the whole thing. It wasn't just because you were slowly making progress and keeping up with the system's demands. You didn't have a single memory to your name, nor did you really have anyone to rely on, so it was quite a relief knowing that you weren't completely alone anymore. The goal was to get close to them and make them fall for you, and while you weren't super ecstatic about that part, you certainly weren't opposed to making friends.


Hey, Izuku!

It's me, [Name]

I just got my new phone

How are you doing?



Hi, [Name]!

I'm doing fine, thanks for asking :)

What about you?


[Midoriya Izuku is excited to hear from you.]

[+10 love points.]

[Current progress: 10/200]

Huh. So, it was possible to gain love points even when you weren't with them in person. You supposed it made sense. There were so many forms of communication nowadays that people could stay in touch pretty much whatever they wanted.


I haven't been up to much

Just went shopping earlier for some other stuff I needed

What do you usually do for fun?


I'm not all that interesting

I just really love heroes, so I like to spend my free time watching interviews or live footage, and taking notes for my hero analysis

I guess it's kind of lame that I don't have any other hobbies...

[Midoriya Izuku feels self-conscious.]

[-10 love points.]


A similar thing had happened with Shouto before, where his points had dipped because of how his mood had soured. It seemed that your relationships with people were constantly fluctuating. Just like how people's emotions could change by the second, their thoughts and feelings could impact the dynamic you had with them.

He probably worries I might judge him if he keeps on bringing heroes up all the time. I should reassure him that's not the case. I actually think it's cute how much he likes them.


It's your life, so you should do whatever makes you happy :)

I don't think there's any such thing as a bad hobby

As long as you're not disrespecting anyone or hurting them, of course

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