[19] Clearing Trials

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You were tired.

Things just never seemed to go your way. It was always one challenge after another, and while you supposed that was how life worked, it felt like you never had the chance to let your guard down and enjoy the moment.

Here you were, finally at U.A, already facing the risk of expulsion.

Of course, many of your classmates tried to protest against Aizawa's sudden decision, claiming that it was far too unreasonable, but he merely brushed them off with a lazy grin.

"As a hero, it's your job to make the most of an unpredictable situation," he said. "Even when the odds aren't in your favor, it's up to you to save the day. I'm not exactly sure what you were expecting after enrolling here, but... your life at U.A will be full of hardships, from start to finish. If you want to stick around, then I expect you to overcome these trials and rise to the top."

You'd heard of tough love before, but sheesh. It still felt like he was taking things too far.

Not that there's anything I can do about it. Fuck.

["Don't freak out. It's not like you're totally helpless. You've got an ability that can be quite versatile. I'm confident it'll give you a fighting chance."]

You nibbled on your bottom lip, unable to do much else besides nod listlessly. It was impossible not to freak out, especially since you knew what awaited you if you ended up being expelled.

Placing at the very bottom was not an option.

The first of the trials you undertook was a 50-meter dash, and since it was purely sprinting, there weren't really any fancy tricks you could pull to boost your numbers. You were timed, and your results were promptly tallied up with the rest of your classmates. In terms of speed, you were still very much average, so you doubted you could stand out for this trial, especially when there were people like that Iida guy who were infinitely faster.

Nothing much to be done about it. Time to move onto the next one.

The second trial was a grip strength test, and once again, you weren't sure how to tackle it apart from mustering up all the strength you were capable of. It went without saying that your results weren't particularly awe-inspiring. Meanwhile, one of your classmates-a boy with several pairs of arms-had just scored a grip strength value of 540 kilograms.

Quite frankly, the longer this went on, and the more you saw how well some of the others were doing, the faster your confidence plummeted.

I feel like I'm going to be sick.

You were on the verge of both puking and fainting, most likely simultaneously. It didn't seem like Izuku was doing much better, since he couldn't really use his Quirk without breaking his limbs in the process. As much as you wanted to console him and offer some encouragement, you were too busy trying to cope with your own anxiety and keep from spiraling. Based on the concerned glances some of your classmates gave you when you walked past them while dragging your feet like a zombie, you probably didn't look so hot.

The system kept spamming you, not seeming to realize that they were the very reason you were so terrified in the first place.

["Get it together. You haven't even used your powers yet. You've conserved some energy, so go all out for the rest of the trials. This one is the standing long jump. I'm confident you can pull something off this time. I've added a recipe for you to craft, so give it a try."]

[Craft Bouncy Spring Shoes?]


Ah. Right. You'd almost forgotten that you technically had the ability to create certain objects out of thin air. That was what your Quirk was officially listed as-some sort of creation technique that also allowed you to store and retrieve items at will.

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