[02] Rank Up

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Compared to Katsuki, Izuku was much easier to get along with.

He struck you as rather timid, but despite the fact that you'd only just met, something told you that he was a good person. You weren't sure why, but you could just tell. And at the very least, you were off to a good start since you'd helped him out.

"Are you okay now?" you asked.

Izuku nodded hastily. "Y-Yeah. It's no big deal. Kacchan's always getting angry at me for one reason or another. But I appreciate you cutting in. Most people wouldn't. Actually, it's the first time anyone ever has."


You supposed it was Katsuki's nickname or something. While you didn't know the exact nature of their relationship, the hateful glare Katsuki had given you when you'd intervened-plus the way Izuku had basically cowered from him-was enough to tell you that they didn't get along.

In that case, how the hell were you supposed to win both of them over? Katsuki had lost his shit when you'd helped Izuku out. The whole thing was giving you a massive headache.

But again, you remembered that you had no choice. There was no way around it but to follow the system's orders.

Anything was better than being tormented for eternity.

"Anyways, I'm really sorry for bothering you," Izuku blushed. "You're probably busy. I didn't mean to keep you for too long."

"I'm not busy," you insisted. It was technically true. You'd been in the middle of completing your 5-kilometer run as part of your daily task, but otherwise, you had all the time in the world. Besides, one of your targets was right in front of you. You needed to take advantage of this opportunity and get to know him as much as possible.

And if the system was actually telling the truth... the more people you got to fall in love with you, the more of your memories would return, right?

That was a hard if, though.

"Do you want to hang out for a bit?" you blurted. You hoped you weren't coming across as too forward, but you couldn't risk him leaving right now. You had no idea when you would meet again.

Izuku's face was only getting redder. "H-Hang out? You mean... with me?"

"Of course. There's no one else here, is there?"

For reasons you couldn't quite explain, he seemed in utter disbelief that you wanted to spend time with him. It didn't really make sense. He seemed like a perfectly nice person, unlike his hotheaded counterpart.

Eventually though, Izuku swallowed and nodded his head.

"If you're sure you don't mind, then yes," he said, smiling shyly. "I would like that."


[Midoriya Izuku has a good impression of you.]

[+10 love points.]


This was going a lot better than you'd expected, and you had Izuku's kind nature to thank for that. You weren't sure exactly what happened when you maxed out your love points, but for now, you seemed to be on the right track.

You grinned. "Okay, well, what do you want to do? I'm not super familiar with the area, if I'm being honest. Is there anywhere we can sit down for a little while and chat?"

"Ah, there's a park nearby. Would that be alright?"

"Sure! Lead the way."

You walked side-by-side, and you quickly came to realize that Izuku wasn't the best at striking up a conversation. His shyness made him more likely to shrink on himself, but despite the silence that settled over the two of you, it wasn't unpleasant. Even just being next to him had a way of lifting your spirits.

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