[16] After The Exam

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"...hello? Ah! I think she's opening her eyes!"

Your head felt like it was filled with cement. Groaning softly, your eyelids slowly lifted, and images faded into your line of sight. The same boy from before, Kirishima, was staring down at you with a wide grin.

"Man, I'm so glad you're okay! How are you feeling now? You were bleeding so much that you really had me worried!"

He kept chiming in with nonstop questions and remarks, not really giving you much of a chance to respond. It was obvious that he wasn't fabricating his concern, though. You could tell that it was completely genuine.

Wincing a bit, you eventually managed to sit up, and soon realized that Kirishima wasn't the only one who'd been watching over you.

"I treated you with my Quirk," an elderly lady said. She was dressed in a nurse's outfit, so you assumed she was probably one of U.A's staff.

Kirishima nodded enthusiastically. "That's Recovery Girl. She healed you, so you should hopefully feel a lot better. It looks like your nose stopped bleeding, at least."

You patted your nose just to affirm that what he was saying was the truth, and thankfully, it seemed to be the case. Your face didn't feel as gritty anymore, so Recovery Girl had probably wiped a napkin across your skin to clean you up after treating you. Unfortunately, the front of your shirt was still soaked in blood. You hoped some stain remover would do the trick.

"Your energy was probably quite low to begin with, so you'll be feeling tired for a while," Recovery Girl said. "My Quirk saps your energy in order to accelerate your body's natural healing process. I would suggest taking it easy for the rest of the day."

You would be lying if you said you weren't burnt-out, but from what you could tell, the entrance exam was already over. You'd passed out near the end, but you had steadily amassed quite a few points by then. Whether or not those points would be enough, you obviously had no way of knowing, but you'd given it your best shot.

The system couldn't punish you for failing after you'd pushed yourself hard enough to pass out, right?

Ha. Who am I kidding? They would do it in a heartbeat.

"I'm just glad you're alright," Kirishima beamed. "I came looking for you the second the exam was over. The way you were determined to keep fighting and earning points until the very end was super cool, you know? It was really manly of you!"

[Kirishima Eijirou respects your effort.]

[+10 love points.]

Ah. Right. You'd almost forgotten, but right before you passed out, you'd gotten yet another system update. It hadn't really clicked right away since you'd been too preoccupied with spewing blood out of your nose and fainting, but this meant that he was yet another one of your love interests.

And honestly? You were really happy about it.

First impressions weren't always reliable, but they still said a lot about what kind of person you were dealing with. Based on everything you'd seen so far, Kirishima was friendly and considerate. He had a sunny personality, and those shark-like teeth of his were actually pretty cute.

You needed this, because quite frankly, most of your love interests sucked major ass.

Izuku was the glaring exception. Sure, Shouto wasn't necessarily mean or anything, but he was difficult to get close to and didn't exactly give you a lot to work with. Katsuki could be a massive douchebag at times, and even though you were slowly making progress, your relationship with him was far from ideal.

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