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Even experiencing the airport felt surreal. I looked like an absolute tourist, asking for directions to queues, where to go and what to do.

I felt as if I was completely missing out.

But, after a while of asking strangers where to go, I finally made it to my gate.

The gate wouldn't open in another half an hour. I simply sat, with a huge smile plastered along my face, scrolling on my phone while holding my passport.

Even the sky corresponded with my feelings. It was a bright blue sky, clearer than glass, bluer than the seas on Jeju island. The thought of Jeju alone made me grin a wider smile.

A grandma suddenly sat beside me, heaving a large sigh. She looked at me, wondering what I was beaming so heavily at.

"First time travelling alone?" She asked, almost as if she could read it off my face immediately. I placed my phone on my lap, looking at me with a meek smile.

"First time travelling at all." I responded as she raised her brows, giving a small smile.

"Wow, look at you. Where have you been all these years?" She asked me with a small chuckle, observing my face.

"Working like a dog, it feels good being free." I took a deep breath in, enjoying the atmosphere of the airport itself.

"Ah, I see. You're from Seoul, huh?" She inquired as I nodded, "I live in Jeju Island, my grandson sometimes comes to Seoul but he says he always prefers it in Jeju."

I leant my head back, staring at the high ceiling of the airports.

"I finally granted myself a holiday. I'm going to Jeju for the first time ever, I'm pretty excited." I grinned as she gave a hearty laugh.

"Oh you'll miss Seoul after living there for a week. I guarantee it." She smacked her knee, smiling at me as I looked at her.

"I don't think so." I shrugged, looking at the deeply blue sky, the sun shining through the windows and into my eyes.


The lady spoke through the intercom, and my heart jumped solely at that message. I stood up with a beaming smile, staring at my boarding pass and taking a picture of it. Just for memories.

"That's us." I told the grandma who nodded, walking over to the queue forming at the gate.


I was finally boarding the plane, and the anticipation was bound to kill my heart. I was jumping, holding in squeals and spasms of excitement.

Walking up the stairs, closer to the door of the plane, my heart was forreal beating like none other. Not only did I finally quit all ties with my toxic boss and that forsaken job, but now, I was flying over to a completely different island, with new people, new surroundings.

Everything was a fresh start for the summer.

I sat in my seat, directly beside the window, placing my face directly in the little hole. Even though it wasn't moving yet, I could just feel the heaviness dissipating into thin air.

For these twelve weeks, I'm going to be a new Cha Yeojin.

I will no longer be the work consumed Yeojin, I will spend my money if I see something I want, I will be happy and enjoy these twelve weeks like a newborn baby learning how to talk.

To my surprise, the same grandma sat beside me, giving a laugh as she watched me eagerly stare through the little compartment in the plane.

"How old are you, you look very young?" She asked me, and I gave her a smile.

"Twenty three." I told her, occasionally glancing out the window from time to time, even though we were still waiting for the passengers to board.

"Oh my grandson is a year older." She grinned cheerily, "If you'd like, I could introduce you to him, he's a very handsome boy."

I chuckled nervously, not really wanting any relationships right now. I had recently just gotten out of a toxic relationship, it seemed as if everything in my life was toxic.

My ex-boyfriend, Jeongu, cheated on me after almost two years of our relationship. I ended things right there right then, and since, he's been obsessed with constantly calling me, showing up before my door, texting me, showing up at my workplace.

I just begged for a break and some peace in my life.

"Oh no, no I'm alright. I am not looking for any relationships." I rejected her help nicely as she hummed to herself.

"Mmm, okay, alright, whatever you say honey." She chuckled as the plane started to move.

My head immediately shot to the window, blocking up the whole window with my head as I stared at the movement of the plane. The landscape was running so fast as the plane sped up on the runway, and by the time I even knew it, the plane shot up into the sky.

The funny feeling appearing in my stomach.

This will be the best time of my life.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang