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I think, walking past a few people, as I made my way to the convenience store, they might of thought I was an escapee from the mental asylum. I wasn't quite sure how I could even bare my own body weight on my two feet at this point.

I think this might of been my world record for drinking. I have never drank as much as I did now.

After grabbing the alcohol, I stared at the three people sat at the little table in the front of the store. It wasn't Niki, nor was it Seohee.

It was a guy, and a girl, and a little child. Much smaller and younger than Seohee.

The three were evidently a family, giggling and laughing with each other as they ate a pot of noodles together. See now that, that completely ruined my night even more.

It seemed that every person I'd look at, or every place I'd go to, would just simply remind me of Niki.

It was more than awful, awful was the least to describe the situation I was in. Everywhere I turned was just that painful reminder of the person I left spontaneously with little to no explanation - all I left him was a scrunched up ball of paper which I wasn't even sure he even saw.

I sighed, cracking the bottle of soju. I couldn't wait till I got home, I just opened it and drank straight from the bottle, stumbling even more along the streets.

I wasn't sure if I even wanted to go home at this rate, I just wanted to somewhat fly away to a place where nobody was.

Even this liquid was beginning to taste like water to me, I drank it as if it was nothing, and that was making my situation so much worse.

Inevitably, I received some stares by people passing by. I didn't doubt they'd stare, considering how pitiful I looked right now, I'd be more concerned if people weren't looking at me.

I was a drunk woman, stumbling along sidewalks and paths of Seoul, at 11pm. It seemed more of a scene from a movie, and actually I was impressed that I managed to stay out of trouble even when I was holding the title for the most drunken woman in Korea currently.

I sat on a park bench, finishing the bottle, and then obviously, grabbing the next one out of the bag. I was so gonna regret this tomorrow, I would regret this like none other.

This was the night that would completely put me off drinking.

I suddenly felt uneasy, my stomach bubbling and rejecting the liquid I just shoved down. Here it comes, the first symptom of drinking my soul to death.

I stood up, almost falling over and landing on my face. I was also quite surprised that I had a streak of not falling yet, I didn't want to jinx that though.

I continued slowly, very slowly, making my way back to my apartment complex. I was having quite the stroll, eyes barely open and walking in a straight line for me was literally impossible.

I gave a sigh, looking up to the sky. There were no stars, there was too much light pollution to even be able to see a single glimmer in the sky, damn, this is all fucking stupid.

I took another swig, my stomach and throat immediately regretting it. I was forcing this alcohol down whether my body liked it or not.

"YEOJIN!" A voice called for my name, but due to my drunkenness, I associated it with somebody else.

I continued walking, footsteps running towards me.

"CHA YEOJIN!!!" A male voice appeared out of nowhere, it was one of desperacy. I gradually stopped walking, wondering if they were really calling for me.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion, including my senses and my brain. I wasn't quite sure whether I should run towards or from.

"YEOJIN!" The voice was still far away, shouting for me, I turned around, looking at the figure, with such urgency, running to me as if his life depended on it.

I blinked a few times, trying to make out the face, but just by the hair I could tell who it was. My heart sank towards the ground, crashing through the layers of the Earth completely.

I zoned out, the blur focusing and I finally, saw the face I longed for. I wasn't even sure if this was the alcohol anymore, I was pretty sure it wasn't, but really, I couldn't distinguish between reality and alcohol anymore.

I dropped the bag to the ground gently, the sound of bottles clinking echoing through my ears. Now, I really was sure I shouldn't of drank that much alcohol.

As the figure ran closer, my head became heavy, vision blurred til it was black, and body completely gave up on me.

My knees gave in, matter of fact, my whole body betrayed me, last thing I remembered, was falling to the ground and my cheek feeling the coldness of the concrete.


oMG BIG UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

itd be so funny if it was jinyoung who had just dyed his hair blonde LOL............

even funnier if she was seeing things...........

anyways update soon today because i cant be bothered studying today ill just study like a fucking dog tomorrow instead

and im not in school on monday anyways so like 

this fic will finish within the next few chapters! :^) so i guess get ready for an ending or whatever whatever soon enough

thank u all for the support and love and all the comments i dont think you guys understand how much all of this makes my day LOL i love u guys fr my children


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