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I ended up walking around the beach with Niki for a little, it was silent between us, but it was a more comfortable silence than anything.

"I'll come to Seoul with you." Niki suddenly broke the long silence between us, brushing his feet across the soft sand as I looked at him.

"Why?" My voice sounded rather offended, as if I didn't want him to go, but that was not the case.

Niki looked up at me, furrowing his brows lightly and then gave a laugh.

"God, people from Seoul are so rude." He scoffed, looking up to the sky as we walked closer towards the water, the sky was beginning to cloud up, and despite it being summer, it seemed as if it was about to rain.

"Wait! No- I meant like.. how come you're tagging along?" I quickly rephrased my words, trying to not sound as harsh as I previously did.

"I have a friend to visit." He vaguely said, placing his hand out as a few droplets of rain spat from the sky.

"Yeah.. friend.. okay sure." I rolled my eyes as he gave me a glare. The rain started to spit heavier and heavier by the second, I placed my hands over my head at the rain.

"What the fuck? My hair is going to get wet!!" I exclaimed as Niki stared at me, a faint smile forming on his face as he looked at me, shaking his head.

The rain slammed harder, raindrops like pellets. Niki took my hand, the rain falling over my head and all over me.

He started to run across the beach, careless of the huge raindrops falling all over us. He suddenly dragged me into the water, splashing me with the coldness.

I furrowed my brows with a laugh, splashing him back. And as he splashed me harder, I decided to take it one step further, grabbing his arm and pushing him into the deeper area of the sea. He fell in, full body and was absolutely soaked with water.

I laughed as he gave a wide grin, he started to chase me, and at that, I tried my best to run away, trudging through the hard water. He grabbed me by the waist, lifting me up and throwing me in the water, but as he tried to throw me in, I grabbed ahold of him.

We both ended up falling into the water together, in the rain.

"HEY NIKI I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" I laughed, in a fit of just pure happiness and adrenaline. I always hated walking in the rain, let alone running, but for some reason, this was just so fun.

"YOU DUNKED ME TWICE IN THE WATER? I SHOULD BE THE ONE KILLING YOU!" Niki grinned, laughing too as we stepped out of the water, every inch of our clothes and skin soaked.

The rain poured heavily, and we quickly ran out of the beach, walking in the direction of Saeron's house. We were laughing still, dripping as we slowly made our way to the house.

"What? You can't tolerate a little bit of rain? Pfft, Seoul makes people turn into such pussies." Niki chuckled, his wet hair suited him so much.

His white shirt was see through, I didn't even deny that I was staring at the toned muscles he had, the water trickled down his neck, down his face. His lips blushed a bright pink, and his eyes sparkled so brightly.

I could not believe that he was real.

"What's with you and always insulting Seoul? Huh? Sounds like someone's a little jealous." I teased, with a bright beam on my face.

"Ha, absolutely not. I would rather die than live in Seoul for the rest of my life. I'd never punish myself like that." Niki shook his head, like a dog, water came spraying from his hair. The rain began to slowly ease and slow down a little.

"Talking as if you even know what it's like to live in Seoul." I mumbled to myself, rolling my eyes.

He turned his head to me, staring at me with those beautiful eyes of his. He gazed at me for a long second, his lips pursed as if he was going to say something.

He turned to face the front though, stopping and redirecting his attention to something else. I looked at the thing he was staring at, and suddenly my heart anchored. I swallowed hard.

Saeron was stood not so far away from us, holding an umbrella and just staring at the two of us, laughing and smiling, while being completely drenched in water.

We made our way towards her, and she immediately started to smack Niki on the arm, placing the umbrella over his head, the two shared an umbrella as I walked to the side, a little awkward.

"Hey! Niki! My god! Do you want to get sick?! Ugh, are you kidding me- your grandma will be so mad!" Saeron started to scold him, lightly smacking him as he chuckled.

"It was light fun." He shrugged it off, "Besides, my grandma shouldn't worry so much anymore. I'm twenty-four years old, I know what I'm doing."

Niki looked at me, just stood in the rain, and suddenly, grabbed my arm, pulling me directly towards his chest, under the umbrella.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now