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I could see the disappointment in his face, that he couldn't get the opportunity to drag me into the water.

So you wanna know what I did?

I looked at him, completely off-guard and unexpecting of my devious idea. I hurriedly pushed him into the water, he didn't even get time to react, falling into the water and disappearing for like a second.

I looked at him in the water, staring at me with such a proud smile. I don't even know why he was smiling at me like that, but either way, I laughed at him.

"Oh, so you think you're funny?" Niki raised his brow, going underwater for a second.

And without even expecting it too, both my legs were dragged into the water. I fell in, the water cold and completely putting me into a second of shock.

I felt his shoulders underwater, pushing myself up from them and breaking the surface.

He float to the top too, the two of us just laughing and smiling in the water.

"I could tell you wanted to push me in." I smiled, putting my arms around his neck as we somehow stayed afloat in the water.

"I was so disappointed that I couldn't, but I guess my wish was fulfilled." Niki smiled, staring at me in the eyes. His eyes somehow always had that beautiful sparkle as usual.

He leant in to kiss me, it was a rather watery kiss if I said so myself. We sank slightly into the water, having a rather small makeout session in the water.

Til we both needed air, then I let go of him and sat back up on the dock, he followed after.

We were like wet dogs, Niki of course, had to shake his head and get water all over me just as I was squeezing the water out of my clothes and hair.

There was no point, but still, come on now.

A thought suddenly spiked up into my head.

"Hey, when did you even start liking me?" I asked him, looking down at our wrists. Both of our bracelets were still on, his hand was much bigger than mine.

Niki chuckled, staring out into the sky.

"You've always kinda sparked my interest since you first came. When you dragged me into that water at first. I wasn't even a water kind of guy, but since that, I don't know, you just sort of made me want to be around you more." Niki spoke softly, his tone of voice alone, told me he was so sincere with his feelings.

There is no better feeling that the feeling of true, secure love.

"And you went on a tangent on how bad you hated people from Seoul." I scoffed, playfully rolling my eyes as he looked at me, an irresistible smile on his face.

"What about you then? When did the cold Cha Yeojin ever start liking me?" Niki inquired, and to be honest, I don't even remember an exact moment that I knew I liked him.

I thought for a while.

"Hm, I actually don't know." I looked towards the sky, "I think I was in denial for like most of the time I was here, and then I just accepted the fact sooner or later." I told him.

"In denial for most of the time? Wow, that sounds just like you." Niki's lips curved upwards lightly as I glared at him.

"What is that even supposed to mean?" The corner of my lip curled gently in a joking manner.



It was official, my last week in Jeju. And as much as I dreaded it, I couldn't stay here. I had to eventually go back to Seoul and get a job that pays enough income for me to live on.

In Jeju, you can't really find much jobs like that.

I was pretty convinced that not many people knew about mine and Niki's relationship, after all, we didn't tell anybody.

People just made assumptions.

Currently, I was sat at a restaurant with Niki, we decided to go out again. Matter of fact, I insisted that we must spend as much time possible together, in the least suspicious way I could.

I don't think he suspected anything weird, but I felt as if he knew something was up.

I had no heart to tell him that I was leaving soon, and just the thought of me being away from him, broke my heart. Sometimes during the night, it became a very emotional topic for me, and in an attempt to try and halt the crying, I'd go and see him.

Wow, and to think I told myself to not fall for anyone in Jeju.

"Ugh, my girlfriend is so pretty." Niki leant his chin on the palm of his hand, staring at me as I looked at the menu.

I looked up from the menu, at him, raising a brow slightly. I gave a small laugh at him, just continuously staring at me and admiring me. The love we had was so cute.

It wasn't the obnoxious 'you're my world forever I love you' kind of love, well, sometimes maybe it was, but most of the time, we just teased each other, laughed with each other, admired places with each other.

It was the perfect balance of everything.

Now, he was just sat beside me, head tilted to look at me, and just staring at me with zero shame.

"Do you need a slap?" I turned my head to look at him, a grin filling my face.

Niki chuckled.

"Try me and you're going to get thrown into the water with the Haenyeos." Niki smirked, his expression radiating pure smugness.

I rolled my eyes.

"Wait, look at me, you have something on your face." Niki said, and I looked at him, wondering what it was.

He of course, pulled in and gave me a kiss, pulling away with such a satisfied smirk. This guy needed like twelve million kisses per day to live.

I couldn't help but give a smile.

As we both looked around, a figure caught both our attention, stood staring at us, with complete shock on her face. Seriously, her face made my heart anchor to my feet.

Niki sat there, completely unbothered at the sight of her stood in such agony almost, and pain.

Sorry Saeron, I guess I couldn't keep my promises after all.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now