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I swallowed hard, staring straight into his eyes. His eyes were a little annoyed, but at the same time, a little hurt.

I couldn't help but feel hurt myself.

"I'm not avoiding you." Saying those words, knowing full well they were lies, hurt my heart more.

"You are. And I don't know why." His grip was still on my arm, I looked at his bracelet, the same one I had one too. I took back my arm from him, he was even taken aback from that.

"I'm not Niki. And I don't want to talk about it either." I looked anywhere but his eyes, I don't think I could right now.

He didn't say anything, so I turned back around, about to walk away. Til he reached for my wrist once more, holding on tighter.

Even if I tried to get out of his grasp, I could not.

"Cha Yeojin, what the fuck is going on with you?" His words were bitter, but I understood why, the guy was confused at my evident swerving of him, and now I was denying that I was doing such thing.

"Niki. Just, go inside, can you not leave me alone?" My voice shook, trying to tell him to leave me alone was also very hard.

"Leave you alone? The fuck?? What the hell did I do?!" Niki furrowed his brows, his irritance growing by the second.

"Just go." I pleaded him, looking into his eyes. They were once again, the narrow, sharp eyes of his - obviously mad. Looking into mine though, his eyes seemingly softened a little.

"Yeojin, I'm not going to leave you alone." Niki's voice soothed down, and at his voice my heart ached, "Tell me what is going on."

I stared at him, unable to say anything at this moment. My heart beat out of my chest, out of both nervousness and uneasiness.

I felt as if he could read everything solely from my gaze, we exchanged a pretty long, intimate moment of eye contact.

"They're waiting for you inside." I slipped my hand out of his grasp, hurriedly walking away from him.

He didn't call my name, nor did he grab my wrist for a third time. He didn't stop me at all. I could feel the hopelessness radiating from the distance I was creating between us.

I gave a sigh, at this rate, I may as well just go back to Seoul. I was here for a holiday, but I ended up loving Niki instead. Now that I can't even see him, Jeju seems like the worst place to be.


The sun fell, and even looking at the sunset out of my window, made me feel somewhat ten times worse. Everything reminded me of Niki, every small thing just sparked a memory between us.

Jinyoung was gone, he had flew back to Seoul, and somehow understood the excuse I gave him for running out like that.

Saeron was in her room, doing whatever she normally does. And Niki? I don't know what he was doing, although I wish I did.

I leant on the frame of my window, just gazing into the distance. I wasn't even focusing properly, completely shutting out any noise from the house and from the outside. I didn't even watch the sunset properly, instead, I just seemed to kind of - stare into space.

I felt completely helpless, I couldn't do anything. I didn't want to go back to Seoul, but I didn't want to stay in Jeju. I wanted to see Niki above all.

Speaking of which, my door lightly opened, so quietly that I didn't even notice someone had came into my room. The door shut, and footsteps came up from behind me, the tall figure standing beside me and staring out into the sunset too.

I looked up, still in a sunken moon, not expecting anybody in particular. As I looked up, I jumped, unexpectedly seeing the person who I couldn't quite see.

I widened my eyes, Niki giving a smile and putting his finger on his lips, basically telling me to be quiet.

"What are you doing here???" I whispered, a little nervous that Saeron might sniff her little crush out.

"I want you to talk to me." Niki spoke, looking out. His side profile was seriously so unexplainably pretty. He was just a pretty person in general, everything he was, I wanted.

"I can't." I gave a small sigh, staring out of the window too, there was a hint of tension between the two of us.

"It's Saeron, isn't it?" He was no longer whispering, and I panicked, looking straight towards my door just incase she walks in.

"Huh..? What? No?" I immediately tried to deny, but my voice gave it away in matter of seconds.

"YEOJIN? ARE YOU HERE?" Saeron suddenly yelled for my name, what great timing. I panicked, grabbing Niki and hurrying inside of my closet. I quietly, but quickly, shut the door behind us, leaving us in a dark room with clothes.

I held my breath, still tightly holding onto Niki's clothes as my door opened. I closed my eyes, praying she would just close the door once more and leave. Niki illuminated the closet with the screen of his phone.

Despite my paranoia, I could feel Niki's gaze on me, he had a smirk plastered all over his face as I looked up at him. His eyes wouldn't cut off me, simply staring down at me as if I was some kind of prey.

"Yeojin? Are you here?" Saeron's voice peered from outside of the closet, she walked into my room, I heard her steps come closer to the closet, then step away and look around my room for a little.

The two of us just in a goddamn closet.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن