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Mid sleep, I awakened, the room pitch black and dark. My eyes were blurry and slightly hazy, but my body very slowly, was rolling off the sofa.

Before I could even orientate what was going on, I fell to the floor with a thud. Ouch.

I furrowed my brows, not even wanting to move despite being on the floor right now. I was half asleep, and so exhausted from everything. I didn't think I'd say this, but I wanted to be in Jeju the most right now.

I would rather be with Saeron than be in Seoul.

I exhaled quietly, too unbothered to even move. But, someone else stood up, giving a very quiet and muffled laugh.

It was obviously, none other than Niki.

I had my eyes partially closed, only able to see the dark silhouette of his figure, stood looking down at me as he laughed. Damn, if I had the energy I would've beat his ass for laughing at me like this.

"That must've hurt." He gave a low whisper, with a snicker at the end. His arms gently swooped around my legs and neck, he picked me up with ease.

Niki paused for a second, I was still in a complete daze at what was going on, but regardless, closed my eyes and continued to be limp.

He looked at me, from what he could even see anyways.

"Ah seriously, you should've just slept on the bed instead. What is the need to be so stubborn?" Niki chuckled, his voice deep and quiet. He moved me over to his bed, placing me on it and covering me over with the duvet.

He sat on the bed for a second, looking at me, and then shortly moving onto the sofa for a change.

I finally clocked what was going on, and it seemed like somebody had lifted my heart up to the heavens, the feeling was so weird, it felt so strange. I smiled to myself, suppressing a smile as I faced the wall.


"Yeojin! Yeojin! Yeojin! Yeojin! Yeojin!" Seohee's voice repeated over and over, I groaned, stretching my limbs with a large sigh.

I moved the cover over my head, refusing to get up once again.

"Here she goes again, Seohee you need to take the cover and the pillow away from her." Niki let out a quiet laugh, teaching Seohee how to get me up.

Seohee grabbed the cover, ripping it off, and then revoking my pillow privileges, leaving me in the bare cold of the hotel room.

I was so unhappy, and I sat up slowly, staring at the two in the room. I looked at where I was, confused.

"What." I pressed the mattress, "Wasn't I-"

"No." Niki abruptly cut me off, and I gave a little snicker, remembering what actually happened mid-night.

"Come on!! Let's go!!  We're going to get breakfast in a cafe." Seohee jumped enthusiastically, leaving the pillow and duvet on the floor.

I groaned, rubbing my face and my hip specifically. That must've been where I had fell the hardest.

Niki looked at me, a smug smirk reaching his lips. He watched me rub the area of my hip in pain.

"Does it hurt?" He inquired, as if he didn't know that I fell off the sofa earlier.

"Very much." I snapped back, standing up and heading back to the bathroom to change into a new outfit.

After we were all ready, we head towards a cafe. I purposefully chose one that I didn't know about, in fear that someone I know might be in there, and worst case scenario, that Jeongu might appear again.

We sat down, Niki next to Seohee, and I was sat opposite Seohee.

"Damn, it's supposed to thunderstorm tomorrow. We're heading back to Jeju tomorrow too." Niki sighed, looking at his phone.

"Wow. Great. Can't wait." I deadpanned, seriously so tired even though I got more than enough sleep. And to add to it, my hip hurt like a bitch too.

Jesus, just how hard was that floor?

We ordered our food, it was very cute to look at. Seohee facetimed her mother, she picked up in an instance. Seohee panned the camera to include all three of us.

We waved as Miss Hwang waved back to us with an extremely delighted smile on her face.

"How is it in Seoul!!" She asked, the smile not dropping from her face a single bit.

"Mother! It's so cool! I love it here, I wanna live here when I'm older!!" Seohee first spoke, returning the same smile as her mother. Wow, you could definitely tell they were family just by the way they smiled.

"Let's see Niki and Yeojin." Hwang requested, and Seohee moved the camera to face the two of us, we waved as Miss Hwang smiled.

"Saeron, come here! Look it's Niki and Yeojin!" Miss Hwang brought Saeron to look, and my smile dropped immediately, Niki's didn't, but mine did.

Saeron's smile dropped too. She looked as if she had her family took away from her and never to be seen again. Not even that, she looked so infuriated.

Well fuck.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now