Chapter 2- Zombie Ann

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The morning sun was rising, and the day's work had already begun in the city. Although the meteor shower last night was brilliant, it did not affect people's normal lives.

"I hate it, why do I have acne again?" A woman in business attire stood in front of the mirror and complained dissatisfiedly.

In the mirror, she frowned, and a red pimple on her forehead was very eye-catching.

"It wasn't there last night. How can I go to work?" The woman tried to cover it with her hair, but the pimple was right in the center of her forehead and couldn't be covered at all.

Even concealer couldn't cover such a big pimple at all. The woman threw down the cosmetics and rolled her eyes: "It's so annoying. I will definitely be laughed at at work."

She walked to the dining table gloomily and looked at her parents who were having breakfast. Suddenly I noticed that my parents looked a little strange today.

"Mom and Dad, didn't you sleep well last night? Why do you look a little gray on your face?" the woman asked while holding an omelette in her hands.

The parents raised their heads in confusion: "No, we both went to bed very early last night, but you stayed up so late last night to watch the shooting stars. You must have acne. I told you not to stay up late..."

The woman ate the omelette in two mouthfuls. , quickly grabbed the bag and prepared to go out: "I know, I know, oh, you guys are obviously worse than me, but you keep talking about me and talking about me every day, and my ears are getting calloused." Before

the woman went out, she suddenly thought of something, licking Licking her lips: "By the way, parents, let's buy some meat today and eat braised pork tonight." "

We were just talking about this, don't worry, we'll buy meat later."

Various supermarkets and meat shops in Chuxi City In the shop, there have been surprisingly many people buying meat since the morning. The bloody meat on the chopping board is cut into pieces. It still smells of blood, but the faces of the customers who buy the meat have the same salivation, as if The raw meat on the chopping board has turned into delicious dishes in their eyes.

At twelve o'clock at noon, people in every corner of the city began to have lunch, but today's meal not only tasted average, but was also not full.

Even though I had lunch, why do I still feel hungry and want to eat something?

I suddenly want to eat meat.


Lin An is also preparing to eat.

It's just that his food is a small buff dog. The white tiger fangs are only a few centimeters away from the dog's neck. In the next second, they can penetrate the neck, causing red blood to spurt out.

Realizing that the master's breath was behind him and getting closer, Xiaofu turned his head and looked at the master who was close at hand with his mouth open. He blinked his big eyes and waggled his tail happily.

Because Lin An has a mysophobia, the most intimate contact he usually has with Xiao Fu is to touch his head. At most, he also helps Xiao Fu comb his hair, brush his teeth and take a bath. But he has never been so close at this moment.

Xiaofu was very happy, wagging his tail and licking his master's face affectionately, and then continued to work hard.

Facing Lin An, it didn't have the slightest sense of caution, only full of joy and dependence.

Lin An, who was about to bite his prey, froze in place, his eyes gradually widening.

Now Zombie An's sense of smell, vision and hearing are very keen. He can smell the fresh flesh and blood under Xiaofu's fur, and naturally can smell other smells as well.

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