Chapter 61- Return to reality

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Lin An didn't know what he wanted to do. He seemed to be summoned, and every step he took was very heavy.

Standing blankly in front of the two skeletons, Lin Anming was not breathing, but his chest seemed to be pressed with a heavy weight, making him unable to breathe.

All the skeletons actually looked similar, but the two skeletons in front of him seemed to have a special attraction, making him unable to take his eyes away for a long time.

After standing there for a long time, Lin An slowly squatted down and rummaged through the pockets on the skeleton's clothes with a trembling hand.

He reached his hand halfway but was caught. Shen Xiuze held his hand with an ugly expression on his face: "Don't look." Lin An

's eyes moved away from the two skeletons and looked at Shen Xiuze. In his eyes? Unprecedented coldness: "Let go."

Shen Xiuze held his hand stubbornly, pleading: "Lin An, don't look."

Lin An used his superpower and broke away his hand without hesitation, and then? Finally, he dug out a photo from the skull's pocket. The photo was very blurry, but he still recognized himself in it at a glance.

His heart suddenly felt empty. The first time he saw the skeleton, he actually guessed it.

The photo in the pocket and the ID in the breast pocket all clearly proved to him that these two long-dead skeletons were his parents.

Lin An thought all this was ridiculous. Obviously, he was still living with his parents just now, reading books at home together, and was so happy, but why did his parents become like this the next second?

Yes, it was all an illusion. His parents are already dead.

It's something you should have known a long time ago, right? Before he came here, he had prepared himself countless times for the death of his parents.

Shen Xiuze looked at Lin An with concern. He originally thought he would cry and be sad, but in fact he looked unusually calm and just silently rubbed the certificate and photo with his parents' names written on them.

Lin An looked very calm and squatted there for a long time without moving.

Shen Xiuze didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only stay by his side silently.

After a long time, Lin An suddenly woke up and silently put away his parents' belongings.

"Shen Xiuze, can you do me a favor?" Lin An looked at the bones nestled together on the ground, his voice was ethereal.

"You said..."

"I want to take them away from here. Can you cremate my parents, and then help me find a container to put them in." Lin An stood up, turned his head and walked in as if to escape, " I want to find out what the cause of their death was?"

Shen Xiuze responded. In several other caves, there are also some utensils among the treasures buried with them. They can be used as urns temporarily before going out. Find the right container.

Lin An was inspecting the tomb carefully. Shen Xiuze looked at his busy back, and after a while, he got up and went outside to find the container.

Halfway through, he suddenly stopped. When Lin An spoke just now, he was speaking very smoothly. There was no stuttering in the past, just like a normal person.

Is it because the stimulation was too great?

Shen Xiuze felt a little painful in his heart. He would rather cry loudly and vent all his emotions to the other person, instead of being as calm as now and suppressing all his thoughts and negative emotions in his heart.

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