Chapter 69- Kill zombies

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As the zombies were approaching, the superpowers were also moving towards each other. They were blocking the city gate, and various superpowers kept flashing in the dark night.

In terms of quantity, there are far more superpowers than zombies, but the zombies that were attacked only left some marks on their gray skin. They rushed towards the superpowers, and before the other party could react, Bite hard at their throats.

The zombies are like wild beasts, tearing off the flesh and blood of the superpowers and starting to chew them. The blood of the superpowers spurts out from the wounds. At this time, these people are even still alive, staring in horror as they watch their own flesh and blood being devoured by the zombies. .

The surrounding companions immediately increased their attack intensity, but the cunning zombies actually used the preyed superpower as a shield to resist other people's attacks, while continuing to bite the flesh and blood on the superpower's neck, and blood sprayed on the sand. The ground was mixed with khaki sand, and the unfortunate person with the supernatural ability who was caught had suffocated to death.

The surrounding supernatural beings gradually gathered around. This zombie with a mouth full of blood dropped the dead human, its legs were slightly bent, and its body bent forward. The explosive muscles on its thighs tightened, and it sprinted forward in an instant.

When surrounded by superpowers, this zombie sprinted forward, knocking away the superpowers blocking it and clawing hard at the humans blocking it with its sharp claws.

Those who couldn't dodge were immediately scratched with deep blood marks on their faces and bodies.

Wails sounded in the empty desert, fear spread among the crowd, and some people began to panic.

After taking a few steps, the zombie jumped more than ten meters high, passed through the human circle, and continued running towards the city.

This is not an isolated case. Only a small number of zombies were killed under the siege of human superpowers. More zombies successfully escaped and came towards the city gate.

Xu Fang, who was lying on the city wall, was stunned. These zombies were as if they were armed with an iron wall. Even if the surrounding superpowers attacked together, the damage caused would not be much.

And the jump is too high. No wonder the city wall here is not heightened and reinforced. There is only a low and small earth wall. Considering that zombies can jump more than ten meters, how high must the city wall be to block them? .

Those zombies were heading straight towards the city, and the superpowers could only use the human sea tactic to resist them in front of the city wall.

No wonder the hierarchy of superpowers here is so strict. Their treatment is all based on their contribution points. Ordinary superpowers can't defeat them at all.

Shen Xiuze looked at the melee crowd in front and found that there seemed to be chaos outside the city gate. In fact, they were fighting as a team. The superpowers around each zombie were cooperating. Some were specifically attacking zombies, and some were setting traps. Yes, there are also those who protect other people with powers.

If they hadn't been so skilled in cooperating, the casualties would have been more serious when encountering such a powerful zombie.

The first wave of zombies is almost rushing to the city gate, and the superpowers standing around Shen Xiuze and others have also rushed to the battlefield ahead. There are not many people staying near the city gate currently.

Shen Xiuze glanced around and found that the remaining people were either ordinary people without powers. They had obvious panic and fear on their faces, but they did not flee. They had prepared medicines and bandages, and even cats. He sneaked out to carry the wounded and corpses.

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